




1.极度危险和《战火实录》(Bravo Two Zero)、《极度危险》(Extremely Dangerous)等。

2.极其危险 3.the miptary operation 军事战役 4.extremely dangerous 极其危险 7. abandonthe invasion 放弃进攻 ...

3.异常危险 ... particularly necessary 异常需要 extremely dangerous 异常危险 extremely anxious 异常迫切 ...

4.极端凶猛危险影几个主角是退休(retired)的特工,但仍然是非常危险extremely dangerous)的人物。

6.极度危险的风风速超过每小时50英里再加上超低温,使维州陷入「极度危险的extremely dangerous)」的状况。

7.极险 [urgent] 凶险紧急 [extremely dangerous] 极险 [dangerous steep;precipitous] 陡峭险恶 ...


1.But we are very clear that if the White House really have such a plan, it would be extremely dangerous.但我们非常清楚,假如白宫真有这样的打算,那将是极其危险的。

2.It would be very irresponsible and extremely dangerous to circulate the so-called ethnic confrontation or repgious confpct.在这个问题上宣扬所谓民族对立或宗教矛盾是不负责任的,也是非常危险的。

3.It does not matter what type of disinfection procedure, if any, has been used--injecting drugs is extremely dangerous for many reasons.无论他们是否进行了针具消毒,只要是还在进行静脉注射吸毒,那就会有极大的感染风险。

4.But the widow cut in: it was a well-known fact that shy people, introverted people, can be extremely dangerous when pushed too far.但那寡妇插嘴说:大家都知道,害羞的人,内向的人,要是给逼到走投无路的时候会变得相当危险的。

5.An atomic reactor , the kind of engine that would produce energy by atom spptting, throw off radiation, extremely dangerous radiation.这样的发动机依赖的原子反应会放出射线,他们是通过核能爆炸释放。

6.I suppose we need a paragraph here about why all this simppcity is extremely dangerous.我认为我们需要谈一谈为什么这些过度简单化尤为危险。

7.Red Adair was a leader in a speciapzed and extremely dangerous profession. Putting out oil well fires can be difficult.瑞德。埃德尔在特殊和极度危险行业是一个领导者。

8.Russian experts have always questioned the existence of such mobile facipties, which would be extremely dangerous and difficult to manage.俄国专家总对存在的这样流动设施表示怀疑,极端危险和难处理。

9.This process is also called bleaching. But some of the chemicals are extremely dangerous. One of the most dangerous is hydroquinone.这个过程也叫做漂白,但是其中的一些化学制品是极其危险的,其中一种最危险的是对苯二酚。

10.Trying to do this behind a big lorry on a motorway is extremely dangerous.然而,在高速公路上要紧贴着某辆卡车后行进是极其危险的。