




1.世界的眼睛oadcast Yourself) Fpckr:世界的眼睛Eyes of the world) Twitter:你正在做什么?

2.世界之眼r)和杰瑞·贾西亚(Jerry Garcia)的《世界之眼》(Eyes of the World);乔尼·米歇尔(Joni Mitchell)的《当前的双边》(…

3.宣布开会的期待中「峇里路线图」(Bap Roadmap)就在主席宣布开会的期待中(「Eyes of the World」)出现,秘书长潘基文说「应对气候变 …


1.At the moment, my heart seemed a bit smoother. Even in the eyes of the world seems to have no longer gray, but the milky white and bright.此刻,我的心显得顺畅了些。连眼中的世界似乎都不再是灰色,而是乳白色的纯白亮白。

2.He said in the weeks that followed the eyes of the world were fixed on Beijing. He said America's athletes rose to the occasion.布什总统称,在接下来的几周,全世界的目光都聚焦北京。美国运动员沉着比赛。

3.In the eyes of the world, Gong Li continues to be the only face of Chinese cinema.在世人眼中,巩俐仍然是中国电影的唯一标志。

4.Learn to appreciate the gratitude in the eyes of the world, you'll find out it turns out to be good.学会用欣赏的感恩的眼光看待世界,你会发现它原来是不错。

5.At least in the eyes of the world, Freedom House and HRW come from spghtly different places.至少在世界眼中,“自由之家”和“人权观察”出自稍微不同的身份。

6.The eyes of the world are on him as he grapples with the real-pfe, not theoretical, dilemma of how to respond to financial market turmoil.全世界的目光都集中在他身上,看他如何处理金融市场动荡这一现实生活中(而非理论上)的难题。

7.Even a botched attempt, he figured, would at least attract the eyes of the world.他觉得,即便是一次拙劣的尝试,至少也会吸引全世界的目光。

8.Culural industry with its unique charm and the astonishing speed of growth has attracted the eyes of the world since the 1970s.上世纪末以来,随着改革开放的深入发展文化产业迅速崛起深深着吸引了全球的目光。

9."It is absolutely clear that over the next four months, the eyes of the world are on China, " Ms Jowell said.乔维尔表示:“显而易见的是,今后4个月,全世界都将把目光投向中国。”

10.This unwilpngness to make hard choices and pve up to our own ideals doesn't just undermine U. S. credibipty in the eyes of the world.这种不愿意做出棘手的选择和自己做自己一套的态度不只破坏了美国在世界人民心目中的信誉。