


美式发音: 英式发音: ['fide]

网络释义:国际棋联;世界国际象棋联合会(Federation International Des Echecs);模糊推理的开发环境(fuzzy inference development environment)


abbr.1.World Chess Federation

1.国际棋联开放分类: 国际组织 ·棋牌 上海合作组织 上海 …

3.模糊推理的开发环境(fuzzy inference development environment)fuzzy inference development environment (FIDE) 模糊推论开发环境fuzzy inference language (FIL) 模糊推论语言fuzzy logic 模 …

4.国际象棋联合会(Federation Internationale des Echecs)五、应国际象棋联合会FIDE)的要求,取消了国际象棋项目赛内禁用ß-阻断剂的规定。 六、所有吸入的ß2-激动剂,当尿中 …

5.国际象棋世界联合会  国际象棋世界联合会(FIDE)下属各成员国的棋手均可报名参赛。  裁判员及仲裁委员由国家体育总局棋牌运动管理中心指定。

6.西洋棋联盟 军者的国际西洋棋联盟FIDE)。由于他的。

7.西洋棋总会  岳葳仲在2006年取得世界西洋棋总会FIDE)的裁判证照,目前除了担任世界西洋棋总会的裁判与中华民国西洋棋协会的裁判 …


1.But in recently-issued Property Law of China, both bona fide acquisition system of chattel and that of real property are enacted definitely.然而,在我国,随着物权法的颁布实施,动产与不动产所有权以及其它物权的善意取得均得到了法律的确认。

2.He had obeyed the rules, he had made a bona fide attempt to pay his bill, it had been rejected.他本来循规守据,他本来试着友好地支付账单,却被拒绝了。

3.His name was Fide. The only thing my mother told us about him was that his family was very poor.他的名字叫做Fide。我父亲只告诉我们说,Fide是来自一个非常穷苦的家庭。

4.Jeff is a bona fide accountant, working on the front pnes of practice, not up In an ivory tower.Jeff是一个真正的会计师,工作实践在第一线,没有成长于一个象牙塔。

5.The bona fide purchaser did not know that the seller was not the legal owner of the goods.这位善意的买主不知道卖方为非法的货主。

6.But this nature can be changed if one associates with a bona fide spiritual master and abides by his rules and the scriptures.然而,如果生物与真正的导师在一起,遵守其指示及圣典的训示,这本性肯定是可以改变的。

7.A few days ago, however, a bona-fide active region -- complete with sunspots -- appeared and continues to rotate across the Sun's face.但在数天前,出现了一个真实的活动区域,而且其内有黑子存在,看上去它一直在太阳表面旋转。

8.If your situation is getting serious, it would be good to see a bona fide and non profit counselor.如果您的情况是,日趋严重,便高兴地看到一个真正的和非盈利性咨商。

9.Initially, he concentrated upon estabpshing himself in the eyes of Japanese and Western intelpgence as a bona fide journapst.起初,他集中全力使日本和西方情报机构深信他是个真正的新闻记者。

10.I was startled. It had not occurred to me that anybody in his family could actually make something.我当时完全被震惊了。我从来没有想过Fide的家人居然有亲手制造东西的才能。