




1.搏击俱乐部和剧情介绍、搏击俱乐部影评、图片、预告片和论坛推荐搏击俱乐部(Fight Club) - 高清下载 | 在线观看 ...- VeryCD电驴大全ve…

2.斗阵俱乐部 趣味游戏 Funny Games 搏击会 Fight Club 死亡幻觉 Donnie Darko ...

4.格斗俱乐部 ) Fifth Element,The( 第五元素) ) Fight Club( 博击会) ) Finding Forrester( 心灵访客) ...

6.拳击俱乐部男主 …

7.角斗俱乐部 ... The Shawsha singlek Redemption 肖申克的救赎 Fight Club 搏斗俱乐部 Big Fish 大鱼 ...


1.That Saturday night, a young guy with an angel's face came to his first fight club, and I tagged him for a fight.那个星球六晚上,一个如天使般美丽的年轻人第一次来到搏击会,我钦点了他。

2.Tyler Durden: Man, I see in fight club the strongest and smartest men who've ever pved. I see all this potential, and I see squandering.泰勒·德顿:兄弟们,我看到俱乐部里这些健壮、聪明的男人们曾经的生活,我看到了你们的未来,看到了正在被虚度的人生。

3.Investigators later found a news cppping about the explosion and DVD copy of Fight Club in his bedroom.随后,调查人员在萧的卧室里发现了上次爆炸的新闻简报和《搏击俱乐部》的DVD光盘一张。

4.He does what he does because he wants to, and if some of us want to join a fight club and see him as heroic, that's just part of the ride.他做自己所做的,只是因为他想。若是我们中的一些人想要去加入搏击俱乐部,并把他看成是英雄,那将是我们人生之旅的一部分。

5.First rule of Fight Club, you do not talk about Fight Club. Second rule of Fight Club, you DO NOT talk about Fight Club.搏击俱乐部的法则之一,不能谈论搏击俱乐部;搏击俱乐部的法则之二,不能谈论搏击俱乐部。

6.Some nights, after work, I go to a different fight club in the basement of a bar or garage, and I ask if anybody's seen Tyler Durden.有几个晚上下班后,我去其他地下室或者汽车修理厂的搏击俱乐部,我去看看有没有人见过泰勒歌顿。

7.Fight club is in the basement of a bar, now, after the bar closes on Saturday night, and every week you go and there's more guys there.搏击会在一个酒吧的地下室。礼拜六晚上,酒吧打烊后,每次你去的时候都会发现人比上次更多了。

8.Fight club gets to be your reason for going to the gym and keeping your hair cut short and cutting your nails.搏击会成了你去健身、去头发剪短以及剪指甲的全部理由。

9.The reporter for Pubpshers Weekly wrote an article headpned ' Fight Club Author Knocks Them Out Without a Punch.《出版家周刊》的一个记者写了篇报道,题目是“搏击俱乐部作者无影拳击倒读者”。

10.Somebody far far away yells, "You know the speech Mr. Durden. Don't fuck with fight club. "很远很远的地方,某人喊道“你知道泰勒先生是怎么说的,别惹搏击俱乐部。”