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英文单词:快速消费品(Fast Moving Consumer Goods);快速消费品行业;快消品


abbr.1.fast-moving consumer goods

1.快速消费品(Fast Moving Consumer Goods)快速消费品FMCG)2011企业全接触及招聘求职技巧大揭密 求职小秘书 2009-10-20 8/10098 曹明飞 2012-07-19 快速消费品 …

2.快速消费品行业具有快速消费品行业FMCG)或营养品行业销售经验; 进口食品者优先3年或以上销售管理经验;如为销售总监,应最少具备…

3.快消品具有快消品FMCG)的相关策划能力或经验优先优秀的英语读写能力; 资深/客户主任 工作职责: 撰写提案报告并与客户沟 …

4.快速消费产品“旧街场快速消费产品FMCG)有望在进军中国、韩国和越南等新市场下强劲成长,加上公司计划在大马、新加坡、印尼和中 …


1.Accordingly, the company has decided to scale up the new FMCG businesses like branded packaged foods, lifestyle retailing and others.因此,印度烟草公司决定按比例扩大新的快速消费品业务,如品牌包装食品、生活方式零售业和其他业务。

2.More than 5 years of working experience, working experience in an international company or FMCG will be preferable.五年以上工作经历,具有跨国公司或快速消费品行业工作经历者优先。

3.In this paper, base on the theory of brand communication, practice of some very preliminary attempt to the FMCG brand communication.本文以品牌传播理论为基础,对快速消费品的品牌传播的具体实践作了一些很初步的尝试。

4.FMCG sales are now rising again at double-digit levels, although some of this increase simply reflects higher commodity costs.快速消费品的销售目前再次出现了两位数的增长,尽管这种增长在一定程度上只是反映了大宗商品价格的上涨。

5.The U. S. uses much of its imports from China for consumption, and exports few FMCGs into the commerce of China.美国将大量他们从中国进口的货物用于消费,并且出口少量的FMCG到中国的商业。

6.The profit of a FMCG company decreases recently. Please analyze possible reasons of the profit decreases.某快速消费品公司最近遇到了利润下降的问题,请你分析一下可能的原因。

7.Two years working experience of administration or sales assistant in Joint-Venture Company, working in FMCG or wine field is preferred.两年外企公司内行政或销售助理经验,有快速消费品或葡萄酒行业工作经验优先。

8.Perceived switching costs(PSC), the attractiveness of alternatives(AA) are the two types of switching barriers in the FMCG enviroment.鉴于本文是针对快速消费品行业进行研究,将感知转换成本和替代者吸引力这两类转换障碍作为第二类前因。

9.In the sixth chapter, the thesis proposed findings and on this basis, put forward reasonable proposals for the strategies of FMCG.第六章提出研究结论并在此基础上针对快速消费品企业品牌延伸策略提出合理建议。

10.Poster can no longer satisfy the demand of some FMCG companies. In the end, people combined vehicle with a stage for some brand promotions.一些快消品的超级企业,已经不能满足于平面海报带来的宣传效果。
