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英文单词:联邦海事委员会(Federal Maritime Commission);柔性制造单元(flexible manufacturing cell);固定移动融合(Fixed-Mobile Convergence)



1.联邦海事委员会(Federal Maritime Commission)美联邦海事委员会FMC)支持集装箱运价衍生品运费减3成 阿里巴巴推仓储集货式外贸物流服务 请遵纪守法并注意语言文明…

2.柔性制造单元(flexible manufacturing cell)如柔性制造单元FMC)、柔性制造系统(FMS)和计算机集成制造系统(CIMS)等,为适应先进制造系统,可为数控机床配 …

3.固定移动融合(Fixed-Mobile Convergence)在固定移动融合(FMC)方面,英国电信走得比较早,由DECT开始,继而蓝牙,近来又转向Wi-Fi, 但都不是很成功,只有两万 …

4.飞行管理计算机(Flight Management Computer)飞行管理计算机系统(FMCS)由飞行管理计算机(FMC)和控制显示组件(CDU)组成,是现代机载电子系统的核心部分,确保FMC…

5.柔性加工单元柔性加工单元(FMC)是激光加工中心配上工件托盘库及托盘自动交换装置的加工设备. 柔性加工单元由七台ZH系列钻削加工中心 …


1.This is called "fixed-mobile convergence" (FMC), and there have been many failed attempts at it over the years.这种所谓“固定-移动的融合”(FMC)的尝试试验虽然在过去的几年里失败了很多次。

2.In brief, the huge pressure from competition enables FMC to become one of hot spots of the global telecommunication industry.总之,竞争的巨大压力使得固定移动融合正在成为全球电信业的热点之一。

3.I company for the state enterprises, the U. S. Federal Maritime Commission (FMC) registered members.我公司为国家企业单位,美国联邦海事委员会(FMC)注册会员。

4.Like the reference airspeeds, it can be automatically calculated by the FMC or manually entered.与基准空速一样,N1也可以由FMC自动算出或手动输入。

5.Fixed-mobile convergence (FMC ) is the trend towards seamless connectivity between fixed and wireless telecommunications networks.固定移动融合显示出固定和无线通讯网络无缝连接的趋势。

6.Inordertodevelop FMC, China Netcom, currently without mobile telecommunication service, is actively research product packaging strategies.为顺应FMC发展趋势,在当前没有移动通信业务的情况下,中国网通积极研究产品捆绑策略。

7.They can be automatically calculated by the FMC, or as a fallback, entered manually using this knob.它们可由FMC自动算出,或作为备用手段,使用这些旋钮来一一输入。

8.FMC Tanks offers carbon filtration tank systems based on activated carbon filtering technology and modular components.FMC罐产品公司提供多种采用碳过滤技术的碳过滤罐和模块化部件。

9.Inrespect of IMS, IMS has been almost unanimously accepted internationally. It will serve as unified network architecture for future FMC.在IMS方面,IMS基本上得到了国际上的一致认可,将作为未来融合固定接入和移动接入的统一网络架构。

10.Turning on both LNAV and VNAV mode will have the plane fly exactly the 3D route programmed into the FMC.同时开启LNAV和VNAV模式可使飞机完全按照录入FMC的3D路线飞行。
