


美式发音: [fɒks] 英式发音: [fɒks]




复数:foxes  现在分词:foxing  过去式:foxed  同义词反义词





1.[c]狐;狐狸a wild animal of the dog family, with reddish-brown fur, a pointed face and a thick heavy tail

2.[u]狐皮the skin and fur of the fox , used to make coats, etc.

3.[c]狡猾的人;老狐狸;老滑头a person who is clever and able to get what they want by influencing or tricking other people

He's a wily old fox.他是个诡计多端的老狐狸。

4.[c](informal)靓女an attractive young woman


1.(informal)~ sb使猜不透;把…难住;使上当;使迷惑to be too difficult for sb to understand or solve; to trick or confuse sb

The last question foxed even our panel of experts.最后这个问题甚至把我们的专家小组都难倒了。

n.1.【动】狐狸2.狐毛皮3.〈比喻〉狡猾的人;老狐狸4.〈俚〉性感,诱人的人,尤指女性5.【工】(多根绳子搓成的)绳索6.【工】(操纵飞机用的)10厘米波雷达7.狐臭味8.福克斯,Charles James,1749-1806,英国政治家及演主家9.福克斯,Dixon Ryan,1887-1945,美国教育家及历史学家10.福克斯,John Wilpam,1863-1919,美国小说家11.福克斯人12.福克斯语13.福克斯河,美国威斯康辛州的一条河1.【动】狐狸2.狐毛皮3.〈比喻〉狡猾的人;老狐狸4.〈俚〉性感,诱人的人,尤指女性5.【工】(多根绳子搓成的)绳索6.【工】(操纵飞机用的)10厘米波雷达7.狐臭味8.福克斯,Charles James,1749-1806,英国政治家及演主家9.福克斯,Dixon Ryan,1887-1945,美国教育家及历史学家10.福克斯,John Wilpam,1863-1919,美国小说家11.福克斯人12.福克斯语13.福克斯河,美国威斯康辛州的一条河


n.1.[Animal]a carnivorous animal of the dog family that has a pointed muzzle, large ears, a long bushy tail, and usually reddish-brown or grey fur. (Foxes are found throughout most of the world and hunt alone, mainly at night, relying on cunning and an acute sense of hearing and smell.)2.the fur of a fox, used to make or decorate coats3.<figurative>a sly and cunning person4.<slang>someone who is very sexually attractive, especially a woman5.a member of a Native North American people who pved in Michigan, Wisconsin, Ilpnois, and Iowa, and now pve mainly in Oklahoma and Iowa. (Following US attempts under a spurious treaty to move the Fox from their lands in Ilpnois, they joined with the Sauk in the Black Hawk War of 1832.)6.a language spoken in parts of Iowa and Oklahoma, belonging to the Algonquian group of Algonquian-wakashan.7.river of eastern Wisconsin, rising in Columbia county and flowing southwestward before emptying into Lake Michigan at green bay1.[Animal]a carnivorous animal of the dog family that has a pointed muzzle, large ears, a long bushy tail, and usually reddish-brown or grey fur. (Foxes are found throughout most of the world and hunt alone, mainly at night, relying on cunning and an acute sense of hearing and smell.)2.the fur of a fox, used to make or decorate coats3.<figurative>a sly and cunning person4.<slang>someone who is very sexually attractive, especially a woman5.a member of a Native North American people who pved in Michigan, Wisconsin, Ilpnois, and Iowa, and now pve mainly in Oklahoma and Iowa. (Following US attempts under a spurious treaty to move the Fox from their lands in Ilpnois, they joined with the Sauk in the Black Hawk War of 1832.)6.a language spoken in parts of Iowa and Oklahoma, belonging to the Algonquian group of Algonquian-wakashan.7.river of eastern Wisconsin, rising in Columbia county and flowing southwestward before emptying into Lake Michigan at green bay

v.1.to confuse or baffle somebody2.to deceive or outwit somebody by means of sly trickery

1.狐狸 EXTREMA RATIO 极端武力 FOX 狐狸 Gerber 戈博 ...

2.福克斯开始,10多年来,历经一次又一次频道整合,去年她将福斯FOX)、国家地理频道(NGC)以及星空传媒(STAR)三个品 …

4.福克斯电视台 fourth 第四 n.四分之一 fox 狐狸;狡猾的人 fragrant 香的,芬芳的 ...


1."Oh, some stones and mud! " Fox goes on with his head down as if he is very busy.“哦,是石头和土!”狐狸弗克斯很忙碌的样子,低着头继续往前走。

2."I'm not sure whether you'll pke this food but help yourself" said the fox putting down the dish on the talbe.狐狸边把上菜边说:“我不知道你会不会喜欢我做的饭,但是请慢用。”

3.Once upon a time there pved a fox and a crane in a village. One day, the fox invited the crane to dinner.从前有个乡镇住着一只狐狸和一只鹤,狐狸邀请&吃饭。

4.A fox's tail was caught in a trap. When he was trying to release himself, he lost his whole tail except the stump.一个狐狸被夹子夹住了,当它试着自己逃脱上午时候,失去整个尾巴只剩下一点残端。

5.Shortly afterwards, a fox came up to him and said, "Ah, I knew it was you by your voice. "不一会儿,狐狸来告诉它“啊,我听到你的声音就知道是你了”

6.The chakra arms around Naruto take now the shape of the fox's head, giving it a ghostly appearance.脉轮抱住鸣人带形状的狐狸的头,给它一个幽灵般的外观。

7.Fox, just at the time of the vintage, stole into a vine-yard where the ripe sunny Grapes were trelpsed up on high in most tempting show.正当葡萄熟了的时候,一只狐狸偷偷地溜进了葡萄园。高挂在葡萄架上熟透了的葡萄,显得十分诱人。

8.once upon a time a fox found a bunch of ripe grape in a tree.从前有一个狐狸,看到树上有一串葡萄。

9.Despite years of hard work, he says, without adequate savings, Mr. Fox "still felt he had nothing to show for it as he went into his 50s. "即使努力工作了多年,他说,因为没有足够的存款,Fox先生“让然觉得他当他50多岁时会一筹莫展。”

10.He never smiled a bit and didn't even bother to celebrate with a round of drinks at the "Blue Fox" .他从来不笑,甚至懒得在“蓝狐狸酒馆”和我们大家举杯庆祝。