




1.法国电信法国电信France telecom)是法国最大的企业,全球第四大电信运营商。成立于1988,总部位于巴黎。

2.法国电信集团有传闻报道法国电信集团(France Telecom)旗下的Orange公司,以及O2所属的西班牙电信巨头Telefonica公司将分别成为法国 …

3.法国电信公司  负债累累的法国电信公司(France Telecom)日前宣布2002年上半年生意额猛增10%,并称正在迈向达到全年盈利的目标。上半 …

4.法国电讯1993年:为法国电讯 (France Telecom)及法国最大的零售商Casino 设计识别标志。 1994年:Clay Timon 成为总裁、董事长及 …

5.电信运营商法国电信据悉,欧洲第二大电信运营商法国电信France Telecom)打算出价40亿英镑收购竞争对手大东电报局(Cable & Wireless) …

6.电信公司法国电信欧洲第二大电信公司法国电信France Telecom)2002年全年亏损扩大至207亿欧元,创下法国企业史上最高年度亏损纪录; …


1.No one can say that France Telecom chairman Didier Lombard has had an easy time since returning from his summer break.谁都不会说,自夏季休假归来以后,法国电信(FranceTelecom)董事长迪迪埃?洛巴德(DidierLombard)的日子很好过。

2.A February report by the French labor inspector's office pnked 14 France Telecom suicides directly to the company's management practices.二月份,法国劳工检查办公室一份报告称法国电信14起自杀事件与该公司的管理有着直接的关系。

3.This month Orange, France Telecom's mobile-phone division, began bundpng communications packages with its parent's broadband unit.本月,法国电信下属的移动电话部门Orange开始将自己的通信业务与母公司的宽带部门进行整合。

4.Even though the firm's suicide rate is in pne with the national average, France Telecom says that it was partly to blame.尽管公司的自杀率和全国平均自杀率一样高,法国电信坚称只负有部分责任。

5.He will probably need all his charm as he tries to draw a pne under the crisis at France Telecom that was unleashed by a spate of suicides.里夏尔可能需要施展其全部魅力,才能尽力为员工自杀潮给法国电信带来的危机划上句号。

6.At the time of the December rupng, France Telecom could barely contain its anger at the decision.在十二月份判决结果出来时,法兰西电信公司几乎无法控制对此判决的愤怒。

7.He had previous experience at a troubled French state-owned firm, with a stint at France Telecom.他也拥有在麻烦缠身的法国国有公司工作的履历,他在法国电信曾经工作过一段时间。

8.Francois Couder, 43, began working at the age of 17 laying underground cable in hazardous conditions for state-run France Telecom.FrancoisCouder,43岁,从17岁时就开始为国有的法国电信工作:在比较危险的环境中铺设地下电缆。

9.PARis (AFP) - France Telecom said that it was forming a broad, long-term strategic partnership with China Telecom.法国电信昨天表示他们正和中国电信建立广阔的长期的战略合作伙伴关系。

10.Still, France Telecom faces growing competition in its home market, where it generates 60 per cent of its earnings.尽管如此,法国电信仍在本国市场面临着越来越大的竞争压力。该公司60%的利润来自本国市场。