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英文单词:法国(France);远期利率协议(Forward Rate Agreement);法兰克福(Frankfurt)



n.1网站屏蔽ed as a title for an Italian monk or friar, the equivalent of the English title "Brother"

1.法国(France) 斐济/ FJI 法国/ FRA 法罗群岛/ FRO ...

2.远期利率协议(Forward Rate Agreement) Forward Rate Agreement 远期利率协议 FRA 远期利率协议 Franchiser 项目招商人 ...

3.法兰克福(Frankfurt)法兰克福哈恩(HHN)机场怎样去法兰克福FRA)机场??求助:法兰克福机场如何到达法兰克福哈恩机场 法兰克福 急!

4.法兰克福机场(Frankfurt Airport)法兰克福机场fra)的客运量超过四千万人次,是欧洲大陆最大的机场。fra通过110多家航空公司的班机航线与全世界大约270 …

5.放大器光纤拉曼放大器FRA)及其在DWDM系统中的应用 详细»南京邮电学院硕士研究生毕业论文 摘要 摘要 光纤拉曼放大器利用光 …

6.铁路管理局  另外,美国联邦铁路管理局(FRA)计划建设从加利福尼亚的旧金山经由洛杉矶到达圣地亚哥的高速铁路项目,总长1250公里。越 …


1.My wife will certainly yell fra fantastically murder when she learns how much I h audio-videoe spent for them.借使我的妻子知道我为他们花了几多钱,她必然会大吵大闹的。

2.Both FrA and FrB are always considered positive even when they act in the direction opposite to that shown in the figures.FrA和FrB始终看作正值,即使这些力作用在与图中所示相反的方向上。

3.FRA intends to consider all of these suggestions as it moves forward with reviewing safety on HSR corridors.联邦铁路局打算将这些建议都纳入考虑范围,因为它们都是基于高铁轨道的安全评价而提出的。

4.FRA will be conducting further studies to confirm the effectiveness of these principles in additional operating environments.联邦铁路局将进行进一步的研究,以确认在不同的操作环境中这些准则的效用。

5.An email is sent to the HR Administrator (FRA) when an employee is hired into the system with a start date in the future.当在以后的一个起始日期将员工雇用到系统内时,电子邮件将被发送至“人力资源管理员(法国)”。

6.Fragrant fibers can be used in the fields of fragrant decorative fabric for automobile, fragrant cashmere sweater and fra. . .芳香纤维可应用于芳香汽车装饰布、芳香羊绒衫、芳香远红外保健被等。

7.Nothing but Fra Luca's death could remove all danger.只有卢卡修士死了才免除一切危险。

8.I guess maybe is from FRA to HKG by air , and then transported by truck from HKG to CAB , this might get a good price from airline .我想也许是从法兰克福机场到港运会的空气,然后用卡车运到由港运会政制事务局,这可能会从航空公司好价钱。

9.The FRA is an agreement that two parties agree today to a future exchange of cash flows based on two different interest rates.远期利率协议是交易双方目前达成的在未来交换基于不同利息率的现金流的协议。

10.There have been some heated meetings between freight-railroad managers and FRA officials.货运铁路管理者与联邦铁路管理局的官员之间已经有过不少激烈争辩。