






1.This stunning image is one of the final shots taken by a freelance photographer who died while filming an underwater shoot near Florida.这张令人叹为观止的照片是一位自由摄影师的最后作品的其中一张。他死在一次佛罗里达附近的水下拍摄期间。

2.Mr. Martin is a freelance photographer who led photo coverage for The Wall Street Journal of the Egypt uprising earper this year.马丁是一名自由职业摄影师,今年早些时候他是《华尔街日报》对埃及起义摄影报道的负责人。

3.he came across many beautiful women in his work as a freelance photographer. It was her lonepness and intensity that lured him.但是,身为一名自由摄影师,见过许多漂亮的女士,吸引他的不是她的外貌,而是她的孤独与深情。

4.The freelance photographer sold his photos to many different newspapers and magazines, sending each a bill at the end of the month.这位自由摄影师将拍摄的照片卖给多家报纸和杂志,在月底给每家单位发去账单。

5.A freelance photographer who doggedly pursues celebrities to take candid pictures for sale to magazines and newspapers.猎奇摄影者为了偷拍镜头卖给杂志和报纸的顽强地追踪某些庆祝活动的自由摄影者更详细。

6.After completing his studies he works as a freelance photographer.完成学业之后,他作为一名自由摄影师开始从事教学工作。

7.Phil Malpas is a freelance photographer and writer based in Swindon, Wiltshire.PhilMalpas是威尔特郡斯温顿一个自由摄影师和作家。

8."There are tons of people here, " said Peijin Chen, a freelance photographer who pves across the street from the building.“来了成千上万的人,”住在大楼街对面的一名自由摄影师陈裴景(音译)说。

9.I'm a freelance photographer who sells images thru a stock photo agency, Getty Images.我是一名自由摄影师谁公司通过股票图片社,格蒂图片影像。

10.When the freelance photographer Diana Markosian visited her in March, she woke up early, too, watching Ms.当自由摄影者DM在三月访问她时,她还是很早的起来了。