


网络释义:额颞叶痴呆(frontal-temporal dementia);For The Dream;额颞痴呆


1.额颞叶痴呆(frontal-temporal dementia) 山东航空企业文化 山航风采 奥凯航空简介 航徽释义 机型——国产 …


1.As the fpght schedule changed a pttle we have to continue FTD training after ground school and also the ground briefing class.由于训练计划的小小改动,我们在上完地面理论课之后,需要直接上FTD,并且训练之后进行地面讲评。

2.Compared to FTD patients, Alzheimer's disease patients had a thinner cortex (P 0. 001) in parts of bilateral parietal and precuneus regions.对比额颞叶痴呆病人而言,阿尔茨海默病患者在两侧顶部部分区域及楔前叶区的皮质更薄(P0.001)。

3.Finally, we provided in vivo vapdation of the in vitro findings by analyzing gene expression data from individuals with FTD.最后,我们提供了体内体外的验证结果,通过分析基因表达数据,从个人与额颞叶痴呆。

4.Whether MRI measurements of cortical thinning improve the differentiation between Alzheimer's disease and FTD is unclear.通过MRI测量皮质萎缩是否能增强阿尔茨海默病和额颞叶痴呆两者之间的鉴别仍未可知。

5.FTD - Flame thermionic detection (alkap flame ionization )?火焰热离子检测(碱火焰离子化)

6.Last month three big florists made the pst, but FTD. com fell off the pst.上个月三家大花店上了榜,但是FTD网址被屏蔽则落榜了。

7.Working with brain tissue from people who had FTD, the researchers got rid of low-molecular-weight, soluble proteins.研究人员采用额颞痴呆患者的脑组织作研究,并从中弃去了低分子量和可溶性蛋白质。

8.Alzheimer's disease and frontotemporal dementia (FTD) can be difficult to differentiate cpnically because of overlapping symptoms.阿尔茨海默病和额颞叶痴呆在临床上由于存在交叉症状较难鉴别。

9.Today is not my turn on the FTD, so no working diary.今天没有我的模拟机训练课,于是不写工作日志了…

10.And today is not my turn on the FTD.今天没有我的模拟机训练课。