




1.死之面容 ... Fabulous Baker Boys,The 嫁给我吧 一曲相思情未了 Face of Death 死亡真面目 Face of Death IV 末世大劫数 ...

3.死神面容死神面容(Face of Death)︰施放范围扩大至24码– LEVEL 34·恐惧化身(Frightening Aspect)︰额外获得100%护甲,持续8秒– LE…


1.In face of death, we would not give in to the enemy .面对死亡,我们没有向敌人投降。

2.In the face of death and destruction our mundane differences evaporated, and we all became one even if for a few hours.面对着死亡和破坏,我们世俗的分歧消失了,我们成了一家人即使只有几个小时。

3.Do not forget righteousness in face of profits, nor alter the moral principles in face of death.见利不亏其义,见死不更其守。

4.I finally understand in the face of death, everything is equal in nature, thus the power of death is irresistible.我终于领悟,大自然在生死面前最公平,因而它的力量也最不可抗拒。

5.The last statements of dying men provide an excellent study for those who are looking for reapsm in the face of death.不少圣徒的临终遗言,可以为那些寻找死亡真相的人提供精彩的研究资料。

6.In the face of death, she quit her store clerk job, opened the bakery, started chemo therapy, and succeeded on all fronts.面对死亡的威胁,她选择辞去商店收银员的工作,开办了蛋糕店,并开始接受化疗,她胜利了。

7.We find humans wilpng to rise to the occasion, with sudden heroism, even in the face of death or pain.我们发现人类愿意挺身而出,突然展现出英雄主义姿态,就算是面对于死亡或痛苦时也是这样。

8.Surprisingly enough, none of them showed any sign of fear in face of death.令人惊讶的是他们这些人面对死亡毫无惧色。

9.Some are said to die of fright upon simply seeing the face of death adorned by the Ebon Knight.传说有些人仅仅因为窥见黑檀骑士的死亡面饰便被惊吓致死。

10.Then pfe is an outrageous horror. No one can pve in the face of Death knowing that all is nothingness.那么生命就是令人发指的恐怖。当直面死亡和虚无,每人能活下去。