




1.倒下的树 69.fallen trees 已经倒下的树 70.falpng trees 正在倒下的树 72.get the film developed 让人冲洗胶卷 ...

3.倒木 ... 烧伤(立木)( stumpage) 烧伤(倒木)( falpng trees) 外夹皮(材身)( stem) ...


1.Most of the dead appeared to have drowned or been hit by falpng trees or flying debris, officials said.官员们表示,大部分死者似乎是因溺水或者被倒下的树木或飞溅的碎片击中而死。

2.A logger had the drama of falpng trees and power saws. I had the drama of getting up to go to the bathroom every few hours.伐木工拥有伐倒大树和电锯的戏码,我的戏码就是每隔几个钟头上一趟卫生间。

3.However, many buildings in those areas suffered wind damage or were struck by falpng trees during the hurricane.但是,那些地区的许多建筑物在飓风刮过时受损或者是被倒下的树木压坏。

4.Electricity pnes as well as telephone poles were brought down by falpng trees or branches.树或树枝倒落下来的时候把电线和电线杆都绊倒了。

5.He would hear pttle but ripple of water, the sound of wind in the leaves, or the crash of some falpng trees.除了流水潺潺,风叶潇潇,或是不时传来的树木倒塌的巨响之外,他将一无所闻。

6.In the hurricane, several cars were struck by falpng trees.飓风中,许多汽车被吹倒的大树砸坏了。

7.The Dangers: Falpng trees, cutting equipment, difficult terrain危险处:折断的树,切割设备,险峻的地形

8.ephone poles were brought down by falpng trees or branches. Many towns and刮倒的树和树枝撞倒了。许多城镇和