




1.家庭日 南非复活节 Good Friday 南非家庭日 Family Day 南非自由日 Freedom Day ...

4.温馨家庭日 ... 假期通告 Notice of Hopdays 2011 温馨家庭日 FAMILY DAY 活动及假期 Activities & Hopdays ...

5.家庭活动日 ... 红酒品鉴 Wine Tasting 家庭活动日 Family Day 烧烤派对 BBQ Party ...

6.家庭同乐日家庭同乐日Family Day)那天中午12点左右,在布兰普顿的Brickyard Way和Hurontario St.附近,一名79岁老妇遭遇歹徒抢劫…


1.Look, I need you to do me a favor, all right? Thursday is Family Day. Spread the word. You guys are up.你只能帮我一个小忙,星期四是家庭日,你们要出席,记得告诉其他人。

2.I've spoken to Roy [Keane] about his testimonial and he said it's a great family day, so from that aspect I can't wait.我跟基恩谈了他的纪念赛,他说那是个美好的家庭日。所以我也很期待。

3.In the United States, Thanksgiving is usually a family day, celebrated with big dinners and joyous reunions.在美国,感恩节是家庭聚会的节日,人们吃盛大的晚餐,家人开心地团聚。

4.Thanksgiving Day is usually a family day. People always celebrate with big dinners and happy reunions.感恩节一般是家庭的节日,人们总是以节日大餐和家庭成员聚会来庆祝这个节日。

5.Yesterday I posted about Family Day, where we try to have fun together as a family, often for free or without spending much money.昨天关于家庭日我发了帖子,帖子中我说道在哪儿可以让一家人度过快乐的时光,并且常常是不需花费太多甚至免费。

6.New Year's Day is often a family day.新年的一天通常是家庭团聚的日子。

7.Every Sunday is Family Day for my family, and one of our favorite activities is playing soccer in our front yard as a family.在我们家,每周日是家庭日,我最喜欢的家庭活动之一是在我们家前院踢足球。

8.Demonstrators from all over Italy gathered in a Rome square Saturday for the Family Day rally .来自意大利全国的示威者周六聚集在罗马广场参加家庭日集会。

9.Thanksgiving Day is usually a family day.感恩节通常是一个家庭的一天。

10.For you, this might mean stopping work at a set time or making Sunday "family day. "对于你,这可能意味着在特定的时间里停止工作或把周日当成“家庭日”。