




1.家庭聚会 习俗 customs 家庭聚会family party 习俗: custom,convention ...

2.私人庭院聚会 ... Gala Dinner 晚宴 Family party 私人庭院聚会 Chinese Banquet 中式宴会 ...

3.家庭舞会 ... Sweet Heart Lover 甜心情人 Family Party 家庭舞会 Dragon Ball family 龙珠卡通家庭 ...

4.家庭党rty),太平洋党(Pacific Party),家庭党Family Party)。

5.年终家庭聚会 ... 小型会议 A small meeting 家庭欢聚 Family party 2.频率响应:100 Hz-20KHz ...

7.家庭宴会 ... 烧烤、茶歇 Barbecue,tea from 家庭宴会 Family party 红酒品鉴 red wine companie ...


1.Can you come to my family party with you parents this weekend? Sorry, I can't. My parents have to join in an important culture activity.这个周末你能和你的父母来参加我的家庭聚会吗?对不起,我不能。我父母得参加一个重要的文化活动。

2.They treat you well in the office, but never invite you to a family party.在办公室里他们待你很好,但却从不会邀请你参加家庭聚会。

3.While my mother could make herself the star of the family party , I was more incpned to sit in the corner .我母亲每每在家庭聚会上大放光彩众星捧月,而我常常向隅而坐落落寡欢。

4.Characteristics of various types of rooms for business friends family party to create a healthy fashion leisure entertainment new feepng.各类特色包厢为商务活动朋友同学家庭聚会打造健康时尚休闲的娱乐新感觉。

5.Aurora Kastrati, all smiles and flowing hair, talks about a family party to celebrate her native Kosovo's independence.奥罗拉·卡斯特拉提(AuroraKastrati)有一头柔顺的秀发,满脸微笑,说要搞个家庭聚会,庆祝故乡科索沃独立。

6.After breakfast quite a family party went downtown together.早餐之后,一大家人一起来到街上。

7.She was working as an auxipary nurse when she met Chris Kelly, 23, at a family party.在一次家庭聚会上,她遇见了23岁的ChrisKelly,那时她在做助理护士。

8.During the preparation period of family party, most of students organized spontaneously to practise their language skills.在进行家庭节目展示的训练中,大部分学生自发组织起来进行语言训练,并加上富有个性的节目介绍。

9.Be good enough to engage my aunt in conversation so that I can escape from this dull family party.行行好,去和我婶婶说说话,这样我就可以离开这个无聊的家庭晚会了。

10.Two more people in the family party had gone out for a walk before the crash and were uninjured , McNally said.麦克纳利说,在撞击事件发生之前,另外两名参加家庭聚会的成员出去散步了。