




1.无所畏惧的领导人 ... Fearless Synergy : 协同无惧 Fearless Leader唱片名 Fearless Record : 出版者 ...

3.游智婷第一排左起:未知、蔡孟芹、未知、胡本琳、郑懋柔、游智婷fearless leader)、何戎(这位是主持人)、陈琳、吴玮庭、林 …


1.To his brothers during the war, he was their astute and fearless leader, ready to face death without a moment's notice.对他的兄弟们而言,战时,他是精明又无畏的领导者,准备慷慨赴死,绝无半点犹豫。

2.Dark Scream: Maybe we should try it out with fearless leader.也许我们应该先拿我们无畏的头儿来试试。

3.Kim Jong-il was regularly hailed by the media as the "fearless leader" and "the great successor to the revolutionary cause" .金正日在媒体上被频繁的像冰雹似的宣传为“无谓的领袖”“革命事业的伟大接班人”。

4.For the rest of us, this was high entertainment, but our fearless leader was not amused.这对我们其他人来说简直太搞笑了,但我们无所畏惧的领导却乐不起来。

5.He is a true warrior, a fearless leader and has one of the best work ethic in the NBA!他是一名真正的战士,一个无所畏惧的领导者,他还是NBA联盟中具有高尚职业道德的球员之一!

6.Next the fearless leader dropped a water bomb from a firefighting plane, scoring a direct hit on a forest fire near Moscow.接着,无畏领袖普京驾驶消防飞机投掷灭火水弹,直击莫斯科附近的森林大火。

7.Ms. Portman, now pregnant, cried during her acceptance speech and called Mr. Aronofsky 'a fearless leader, a visionary. '目前身怀六甲的波特曼在获奖演说中泪流满面,并把阿罗诺夫斯基称为“无畏的领袖、有远见卓识的人”。

8.Our fearless leader, Aaron Baker, met with roughly 20 colleagues in Seattle for HTC's Frequencies conference.我的领导AaronBaker,在西雅图举行的HTC常规会议上遇见了20多位同事。

9.Where does the fearless leader get them cool shades?这个无畏的领导人在哪弄的这么酷的墨镜?

10.I'd rather enjoy the show. What do you say, fearless leader?我宁可好好欣赏表演,你说呢,无畏的领袖?