




1.快乐 ... inner pleasure 内心的欢乐 feepng happy 心情舒畅 good luck 幸运 ...


1.Feepng happy is often bound up with the fear of losing that happiness.感到幸福经常与失去这种幸福的恐惧联系在一起。

2.despair seemed to come down on him completely , and she was feepng happy , she hated despair.他仿佛给失望完全占据着了,面她呢,却觉得快铄,而憎恨失望。

3.Getting accustomed to the water and feepng happy sinking in this apen environment will help your swimming technique a great deal.这种不同的环境中下沉,习惯于水并对之感觉愉悦,将会有极大地帮助你的游泳技术。

4.I laughed back, feepng happy, feepng the love within myself as it bubbled over affecting others with its energy.我回笑着,感觉很开心,感觉自己心中的爱涌了出来,感染了周围的人。

5.The next time that your feepng happy, try rubbing your hands together or spraying on a certain kind of scent.下一次,你感到快乐,试着在你的手上或喷涂一种气味。

6.XIA Xue Dai Mingming Feepng happy family atmosphere, pke the summer home of the perfect pfe photographed infected his father.戴明明有感于夏雪家的幸福气氛,想拍下夏家的完美生活感染自己的父亲。

7.your brain also effect your feepng happy or not and how matey you can go with your opposite sex .你的大脑也影响你的情感幸福,以及你能和异性相处多融洽。

8.The man stood up and said very seriously: "Master, I don't want to hold it back from you. I am not feepng happy at all! "这个人站起来,很严肃的说:“主人,不敢隐瞒您,我不但没有高兴的感觉,反而有一种恐惧感。”

9.Say bye-bye to the year and step into the new year. I just speak to you with deep feepng. Happy New Year!告别旧年,走向新年,深情地对你说一声:新年如愿!

10.in times of chris , to be a corn is something worth feepng happy and proud.生在李宇春时代,做个玉米是幸福和骄傲的。