




1.女模特 美丽的模特 beautiful model 女模特 female model take away 取走; ...

2.女性模特 其他 Other 女性模特 Female Model 男性模特 Male model ...

3.中国女模特 ... Super Model 中国名模 Female Model 中国女模特 Male Model 中国男模特 ...

4.女性楷模 成功经验 successful experience 女性楷模 female model ...

5.女内衣模特儿 Maltose 麦芽糖 Female model 女内衣模特儿 Female and male model 男女内衣模特儿 ...

6.女模特儿 ... Lamma Island 南丫风采发电站旁的小路 8.1.2 Female model 女模特儿 8.1.3 Female and male model 男女模特 …

7.为记我们建议⋯⋯用家以”线在右边作”为记 (female model);但同时相反方向佩戴就可变成后戴式(male model)呢!* 后戴式可能受头 …


1.Do you worry that mothers might be reluctant to have their daughters play with such a stereotypical female model as Barbie?你是否担心母亲们可能不愿让自己的女儿玩芭比娃娃这种老套的女孩玩具?

2.South Korean people think, hidden in man, undivided attention is in confpct with the female model.韩国人认为,隐身于男人背后,一心一意相夫教子的贤妻良母才是女性典范。

3.Three female model out of envy to XiaoMin a curveball, desperately.三个女模特出于妒忌,拼命给小敏出难题。

4.It was actually more difficult for the male models than for the female model.对于男模特来说,他实际上比女模特更不容易。

5.The only Female Model Worker in Yan'an Great Production Movement延安大生产运动中的惟一女劳模

6.Liu Hui-fang in the Expectation lacks self-awareness, who is a female model of traditional moral;《渴望》中的刘慧芳自我意识缺失,是传统道德女性的范本;