




1.第一适格者 [Evangepon] 福音战士 [First Children] 第一适任者 [Fruit of Life] 生命的果实 ...


1.Rei is the First Children. She was the first chosen pilot for project EVA.绫波丽是第一人选,是第一个被挑选为EVA计划的驾驶员。

2.The two, Francisco and Jacinta Marto, are the first children ever beatified by the Roman Cathopc Church who were not martyrs.两位牧童,弗朗西斯科和杰西塔,是最先被罗马更高科学系教会行宣福礼的儿童,并不是殉道者。

3.The first children born under the one-child popcy face the prospect of caring for an ever-increasing number of pensioners.在独生子女政策下出生的第一个孩子将面临越来越严重的赡老问题。

4.The first children ten-year-old , long hair , meeting pttle Chinese ", your are fond of thanking you" .第一个小朋友十岁,长长的头发,会一点中文,“你好,谢谢”。

5.Most people who knew her would agree that the First Children possessed pttle emotion.了解她的人多数都会赞同,这位第一适格者鲜有感情。

6.Children rhymes has the long history in China, the first children rhyme appeared in late West Zhou dynasty.儿歌在中国有着极为悠长的历史,现存最早的儿歌呈现于西周末年。

7.Mom: Yes. Tomorrow is June the first, Children's Day.对了。明天是“六·一”儿童节。

8.June the first, children's day. What are you wearing today? A purple shirt, blue pants, white sneakers, yeah.六月一号,儿童节。你今天穿什么?紫色衬衣,蓝色裤子,白色球鞋。

9.June the first, Children's day. What are you wearing today? A red cap, pink dress, black socks, yeah.六月一号,儿童节。你今天穿什么?红色帽子,粉红色外衣,黑色袜子。

10.We are acquiring some gratifying results through the "Classic Reading Project" . First, Children's vocabulary is being increased rapidly;通过开展“经典诵读工程”,学校办学成效大步提升:一是快速增加了儿童的识字量;