




1.第一部分 STRUCTURE AND CONTENT 结构和内容 First part 第一部分 Second part 第二部分 ...

2.开始的部分 be reduced to beggary 陷於极度贫困之中. first part 开始的部分: ...

3.上集 selected works 选集 first part;part one; 上集 second part;part two; 下集 ...

4.第一部份 开场歌曲 Opening 第一部份 First Part 千年之恋 - F.I.R. ...

5.第一方hts)”和“义务(obpgations)”,“第一方first part)”和“第三方(other part)”,“转让人(assignor)”,“受让人(assignee)…

6.第一段 ... 造势活动 Promo Tour 第一段 First Part 太天真 Too Naive 3:40 ...

7.第一节第一节 (First Part)第二节 (Second Part) 56K 宽频 56k 宽频 56k 宽频


1.The first part of the book introduces jQuery and helps you to understand what the fuss is all about.本书的第一部分会介绍JQuery,帮助你理解小题大做是怎么回事。

2.Prices, which zoomed up in the first part of this year, are now steady and should not increase again for several months.今年年初陡然上升的物价,现在稳定了,而且在几个月内不会再涨了。

3.Protecting these expensive warships from Hurricane Irene was the first part of what's appearing more pkely to be a two-part mission.在飓风艾琳来临时保护好这些昂贵的军舰似乎只是海军的其中一项任务。

4.Robert Fulton said the first part of the trip was not exciting. He had traveled in much of Europe before.罗伯特.富尔顿说,他的最初旅行没有什么意思,因为此前他曾经到过欧洲的许多地方,唯一新鲜的是他的这辆新摩托车。

5.Serena briefly had a black LG Venus during the first part of the second season, but she quickly replaced it with a Samsung cell phone.Serena在第二季开头基本上用的都是LG的爱神手机,不过接着她就换了款三星的。

6.This is actually the first part of any keyword strategy -- and a step that is often overlooked.这实际上是任何关键词策略的重要部分,但是这个步骤却常常被忽视。

7.For the first part of your speech, I cannot agree more. However, I must take issue with you on the second part.对你演讲的第一部分我非常之赞同,但我必须要就第二部分向你提出异议。

8.In the first part of that triad, a study of the concept of triad gangs.在第一部分黑社会性质组织的认定中,一研究了黑社会性质组织的概念。

9.The first part of your week is all about finding & doing whatever is necessary to restore the right level of balance in your pfe.你的第一个弱点是找到和做在你生命中必要修复正确的平衡水平。

10.He had the first part of his medical and is set to be presented as a Middlesbrough player on Monday if he passes more tests.埃及人周五与俱乐部老板碰面,并同意了交易条款。他已开始体检,如顺利通过,下周一即成为米堡的一员了。