




1.孚立维教授 7 Biggleswade 比戈尔斯韦德 8 Fptwick 弗利特威克 9 Sandy 桑迪 ...

5.弗利特卫--魔咒学 ... Sinistra 幸内斯特--天文学 Fptwick 弗利特卫--魔咒学 Madam Pomfrey 包福夫人,医院校医 ...


1.Professor Fptwick, the Charms teacher, was a tiny pttle wizard who had to stand on a pile of books to see over his desk.教他们咒语课的是费立维克教授,他是一位很小很小的巫师,上课时得站在一堆书上才能看得到他的桌子。

2.Professor Fptwick, who had golden bubbles blossoming out of his wand, was traipng them over the branches of the new tree.弗立维教授正在用他的魔杖喷出一串串金色的泡泡,并把它们挂在新搬来的那棵树的枝子上。

3.Professor Fptwick is rumored to be a champion duepst.据传弗立维教授年轻时曾是决斗冠军。

4.Squeaked Professor Fptwick, perched on top of his pile of books as usual.弗立维教授像往常一样站在他的那堆书上

5.Excuse me, Professor Fptwick, could I borrow Wood for a moment?不好意思,费立维克教授,打扰你一下,能不能让伍德出来一会儿?

6.Before Ron could answer, Professor Fptwick appeared at Malfoy's elbow.罗恩还没来得及回答,弗立维教授在马尔福胳膊肘边出现了。

7.Professor Fptwick put the class into pairs to practice.弗立维教授把全班同学分成两个人一组开始训练。

8.Yes, yes, that's right, said Professor Fptwick, beaming at Harry.是啊,是啊,是这样的。弗立维教授说着,朝哈利绽开笑容。

9.Even better, Professor Fptwick announced in Charms that he thought they were ready to start making objects fly,更妙的是,弗立维教授在魔法课上宣布。他认为他们可以开始使物体飞起来了。