




1.集中火力 ... 风行: Windrunner 火力聚焦Focus Fire 冰霜新星: Crystal Nova ...

4.集中火力打击 ... dun “别……”, focus fire 集中火力打击,指示队友对某敌人集火可以说 GG 不错的 …

5.专注攻击剩下的我、巫医、山丘却因为技能的持续而非常开心,我开了集火Focus Fire),巫医开着棒子蹦蹦跳跳,对方5人居然次 …


1.A big concern seems to be the ease at which Warriors fall to a heavy training or focus fire, what are your thoughts on this?一个值得关注似乎是缓解勇士在下降到了沉重的培训或重点火,你是怎么想的呢?

2.Have your avatars focus fire the enemy (with their range) and take them out while your scorpions take the damage and do damage of their own.用你的圣灵把火力聚焦在敌军上面(在射程之内),然后在你的天蝎承担伤害的时候把天蝎坦克移走。

3.Give the colossus a 'focus fire' abipty, where the player can control the path of the colossus laser.让巨像拥有集中火力攻击的技能,这样玩家可以控制巨像激光的攻击路径。

4.Against Terran's mass air units pke Vikings and Banshees, Protoss can still use Phoenixes and focus fire.对付人族的维京和女妖,仍然可以采用凤凰集火的方式。

5.If that happens, then focus fire all your Corruptors on the Corruptor being attacked.如果这发生了,那么集中所有腐蚀者强制攻击被攻击的那个腐蚀者。

6.Focus Fire now restores 4 Focus to your pet, down from 10 Focus.火力集中现在只恢复宠物4点集中,由10点集中下调。

7.Fast and small- Unable to defend against (focus fire)体积小且移动速度快-不能防御集中火力

8.Larger & Movement Speed Slower (possible to defend with focus fire)体积增大但移动速度变慢(可以对集中火力进行防御)