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1.厨余 ... food safety 食品安全性;食品无害性 food waste 食余残渣;食物废物;厨房垃圾 food web 食物循环;食物链…

3.食余残渣 ... food safety 食品安全性;食品无害性 food waste 食余残渣;食物废物;厨房垃圾 food web 食物循环;食物链…

4.餐厨垃圾 ... (征求意见稿) CJJ -2010 2.0.1 餐厨垃圾 food waste 2.0.2 干热处理 dry thermal treatment ...

5.厨房垃圾 ... food safety 食品安全性;食品无害性 food waste 食余残渣;食物废物;厨房垃圾 food web 食物循环;食物链…

6.食品废弃物 ... D.All of the above 以上全部 0384. D.Food waste 食品废弃物 0385. D.Local fire department 当地消防部门 038…

7.食物垃圾 ... Kitchen Waste( 厨房垃圾) Food Waste( 食物垃圾) Lightbulbs&batteries( 节能灯泡和废旧电池) ...

8.食物浪费饥饿,就是粮食不足,吃不饱;相对於饥饿的食物浪费food waste),近几年来也引起关注和讨论。2011年的世界粮食日, …


1.How much water and electricity dose food waste disposal machine use?食物垃圾处理机用多少水和电?

2.But, she said it was difficult to get them to see the importance of getting the balance between food waste and packaging right.但是,她说,这是很难让他们看到的重要性越来越之间的平衡食物垃圾和包装权。

3.How much Water and Electric does Food Waste Disposer Consume?食物垃圾处理器需要用多少水和电?

4.Food waste is an important part of municipal sopd waste, which is full of organic matter and easy to be degraded.餐厨垃圾是城市生活垃圾的重要组成部分,其有机质含量十分丰富,容易被微生物利用。

5.Can be disposed of into the drain system or composted together with food waste or grass cuttings and will produce a fertile humus.填充料可以直接弃置于污渠系统或与食物残渣或剪草一起堆肥,以产生肥沃的腐植土。

6.An obstruction. Food waste or a hard piece of stool (fecal stone) can block the opening of the cavity that runs the length of your appendix.阻塞。食物残渣或是粪石(就是…一块儿坚硬的便便)会堵住阑尾的开口。

7.It's only a small house and it would be intolerable to keep rotting food waste indoors until the next collection.这只是一间小房子,而要把腐败中的厨馀留在室内直到下一次收垃圾时,会令人难以忍受。

8.Of course, figuring out how to stop all this food waste is a complex popcy question and beyond the scope of this particular study.当然,如何制止这种对食物的浪费是一个复杂的政策问题,这也超出了我们所研究的范围。

9.The interest level in cutting food waste "has just skyrocketed in the last six to nine months, " he said.他还提到,在减少食品垃圾方面的兴趣“在最近六到九个月间急剧升高。”

10.Food waste would be separated and sprinkled with bacteria to help the food begin to break down.处理过程是这样的:先把食物垃圾分离出来,添加细菌,帮助食物垃圾分解。