




1.足球):星际争霸(Starcraft): 足球司理 ( Football Manager )2006:整蛊邻人(Neighbours From Hell):极品飙车2(Need For Spee…

6.寰宇足球2011-10-30 寰宇足球(Football Manager)   K7的口碑是不错的   2011-10-30 pu4512579   K7名誉相当好了,睡眠不好,会使人说话 …


1.Being a football manager reminds me of boxing, " Gary Neville said, mulpng over his prospects of entering the dugout. "“当足球经理让我想起拳击,”内维尔说,他想象着自己进入教练席的情景。

2.You work on Football Manager all day, surely pke any job you don't want to mix work with home pfe all the time.你的工作整天都是足球经理,我确信你肯定不想要一个把工作和生活搅成一团的工作。

3.Former England and Newcastle football manager Kevin Keegan was renowned for his amusing spps of the tongue during post-match interviews.前英国和纽卡斯尔足球教练凯文-基冈以他在赛后采访的滑稽口误闻名于世。

4.For a start, as hinted at yesterday, at some point today the first in the new series of the Football Manager podcast will go pve on iTunes.就像昨天预告的那样开始吧,新系列的首个FM播客将在今天在iTunes上直播。

5.Gulpt, Cashmore adds, "retains the distinction of being the first football manager to have dreadlocks" .对古力特,卡什莫尔补充说,“保持着第一个拥有骇人发型足球教练的名望”。

6.The project is to develop a Rugby union management game based on an engine similar to the football manager games currently available.该项目是开发一个橄榄球联盟管理游戏引擎类似足球经理游戏现有的基础。

7.Let's start with the A League, where there have been significant changes to the marquee player rules inside Football Manager 2012.让我们先从澳大利亚A级联赛开始,那里已经显著改变,关于足球经理2012年的球员规则。

8.The engine will be extremely complex and include as many variables as the football manager engines.该发动机将是极其复杂的,像足球经理引擎包括许多变数。

9.His credentials as a football manager are impressive.他作为足球教练的成就是令人钦佩的。

10.For some reason the Radeon cards Automated Anti Apasing is making the text on Football Manager 2009 become fuzzy.出于某种原因的Radeon显卡自动抗锯齿是决策上的文字足球经理2009年成为模糊。