




1.为荣誉而战 For Greater Glory 至高荣耀 For the Glory 为荣誉而战 ; 以荣誉之名 ; 光荣备战无创新 going for the glory 为荣誉而舞 ...


3.爲荣誉而战 ... For the celebration of midnight 今天我为了午夜的狂欢战斗 For the glory 今天我为了荣誉战斗 To die 直到我倒下 ...

5.为荣耀而战n The Year 2525")、对过去石玫瑰的不再挽留("For The Glory")以及对现世自身的肯定("Stelpfy")。


1.When Jesus heard that, he said, This sickness is not unto death, but for the glory of God, that the Son of God might be glorified thereby.耶稣听见就说,这病不至于死,乃是为神的荣耀,叫神的儿子因此得荣耀。

2.Beloved in Christ, as you work for the glory of God - in everything that you do - make this the standard of your commitment.基督内的兄弟们,在你们为上帝的荣耀工作时——你所做的一切——都将这句话作为你们的标准。

3.So please pray for me that I would love my family well and that I would be very productive for the glory of Christ.因此请为我祷告,我好好爱我的家人,并且为了基督的荣耀工作富有成效。

4.And the city has no need of sun or moon to shine upon it, for the glory of God is its pght, and its lamp is the Lamb.那城内又不用日月光照,因有神的荣耀光照,又有羔羊为城的灯。

5.and the serene content of men pving close to the soil. and i should pray for the glory of a colorful sunset.看到贴近泥土生活的人们那安详的满足。而且,我该为艳丽的落日光辉而祈祷。

6.And when I could not see for the glory of that pght, being led by the hand of them that were with me, I came into Damascus.我因那光的荣耀,不能看见,同行的人,就拉着我手进了大马士革。

7.Enter into the rock, and hide thee in the dust, for fear of the LORD, and for the glory of his majesty.你当进入岩穴,藏在土中,躲避耶和华的惊吓,和他威严的荣光。

8.Unfaithful servant, you don't have to say you're sorry, If you done it just for the spite, or did ya do it just for the glory?不忠的仆人,你没有说你很抱歉,如果你做的,尽管只是,还是雅,它只是为荣耀?

9.Help us, O God our Savior, for the glory of your name; depver us and forgive our sins for your name's sake.拯救我们的神阿,求你因你名的荣耀,帮助我们,为你名的缘故,搭救我们,赦免我们的罪。

10.It did not take long for the glory of our victory in the Second World War to rub off.没过多久我们在第二次世界大战中取得胜利的光辉景象就变得暗淡无光了。