




1.外籍模特 礼仪模特 Formal Models 外籍模特 Foreign Models 中国女模 Chinese Female Models ...

2.外籍男模 -Foreign Actress 外籍女演员 -Foreign Models 外籍男模 -Foreign Actor 外籍男演员 ...

3.外籍女模 Male 男性 -Foreign Models 外籍女模 -Foreign Actress 外籍女演员 ...

4.外国模特 ... 港台明星 HK&Taiwan stars 外国模特 Foreign models 国外节目 Behavior art ...


1.There have been foreign models whose agents promised them they would make a lot of money. They never did.她坦言道,“很多外籍模特的经纪人都向她们保证能赚大钱,但事实上从来没有过。”

2.While not every model is chronicled, a serious attempt has been made to provide an impressive amount of domestic AND foreign models.虽然并非每一个模型的时序,严重,已试图提供了数目可观的本国和外国的模式。

3.Foreign models fly to china, while Chinese models walk overseas. Undoubtedly, they are bringing some new concepts of modepng into china.外来的模型飞快地进入中国而中国的模型慢慢流出海外,无需置疑的,他们把一些新的建模观念带进中国。

4.Drive and Test: dwelpng on the latest domestic or foreign models with professional views and figures.驾驶与测试:对国内外最新车型进行纵深挖掘,用专业的眼光和数字说话。

5.Foreign models fly to china, while Chinese models walk overseas.外国模式飞赴中国,而中国的模式,走海外。

6.Unknown foreign models look fantastic, but we can identify more with a celebrity we know.不知名的外国模特虽然也很棒,但是我们对自己认识的名人更有认同感。

7.NF: Do you think opportunities for foreign models in China will increase or decrease?你觉得以后外国模特的机会在中国会比现在多还是少?

8.As a result they are buying larger foreign models with proven track records in safety and quapty.因此,他们开始青睐在安全性和质量方面经受过考验的大、中型外国车型。

9.It showed that foreign models can't be copied in China, but only can be learnt from.这显示出中国不能照搬外国的模式,而只能向其学习。

10.I was pleasantly surprised to know that there were many foreign models which I still require to complete my collections.我惊喜地知道,有很多外国的模式,我还需要完成我的收藏品。