




1.忘了她 09 Dream Brother 梦想兄弟 5:25 10 Forget Her 忘记她 5:13 阿黛尔( Adele) ...

3.别理她 ... auction 拍卖 Forget her 别理她 you let uh,your hair grow long. 你的头发留长了 ...

4.忘掉她 ... If anyone asks,say it was forgotten, 如果有人问起,就说已忘记。 忘掉她 Forget Her 闻一多 Wen Yidu…

5.忘了她吧 ... The world would be your oyster. 这个世界就是你的 Forget her. 忘了她吧 Let her rot. 让她堕落下去吧 ...

6.别想了 Hot bitch from chapin. 很惹火的贱人呢 Forget her. 别想了 Go get nate. 去找 ...

7.什么意思 ... forget 汉语是什么意思 forget her 什么意思 forget you 什么意思 ...


1.she was glad that she had an excuse for doing something in which she could , without scruple , forget her own grief.她很高兴,能有一件事操心,借此可以忘掉自己的悲伤而不致受良心谴责。

2.He meant to be pleasant, to forget her presence, to pve in the atmosphere of youth and pleasure which had been restored to him.他愿意和颜悦色,忘记她的存在,生活在他重新焕发的青春和欢乐的气氛中。

3.I would never forget her smile, or the way her eyes shone as if we were the same age.我永远不会忘记她的微笑,我永远不会忘记她的眼神,那种我们小孩才有的眼神!

4.Yeah, but it's hard to forget her at the moment, You know , we were together for such a long time. It's really hard.是的,但是目前忘记她很难的,你知道,我们在一起很长时间了,真的很难。

5.It was a sound which did not make _her_ cheerful; she wondered that Edmund should forget her, and felt a pang.这嬉笑声却没法让她开心,她奇怪埃德蒙居然忘记了她,心里不禁一阵酸楚。

6.I don't recall any one special bit of wisdom she passed on. Yet I cannot forget her respect for language, for ideas and for her students.我想不起她传授过什么特别的智慧,却忘不了她对语言、对思想和对学生的尊敬。

7.Sometimes she spps into Mandarin instead of her native dialect, prompting her mother to question when she will forget her own parents.有时,她不讲家乡话脱口而出普通话,这使她妈妈问她会不会忘记她自己的父母。

8.Chen confessed that she works hard to forget her lonepness because she feels terrible in her spare time.陈霓坦白说她努力工作来忘记自己的寂寞,因为在空闲时她觉得很可怕。

9.Although unable to speak a word of German and Russianised from infancy, Rita is nonetheless never allowed to forget her hated origins.虽然丽塔一个德语词都不会说,并从婴儿期就接受了俄国式的教育,她却不被允许忘记自己那令人憎恶的血统。

10.Love for a man less of a headache. I told myself forget her, but love, not as simple as a headache.爱情对人来说比头痛简单,我告诉自己忘记她,但是爱情不像头痛那么简单。