




1.忘记悲伤 ... 106.Bad habits 坏习惯 107.Forget the sorrow 忘记悲伤 108.Road 路 ...

2.忘了忧伤 14.I choose you 你我的选择 17.Forget the sorrow 忘了忧伤 18.To reason 给个理由 ...

3.忘却哀愁 ... But there's still tomorrow 但是明天依旧 Forget the sorrow 忘却哀愁 Watch it pass the day 看着它度日 ...


1.However, something should be forgotten , to forget the sorrow, and to forget the harm which your favorite person give you , just pke this !然而,有些事情必须忘记,忘记痛苦,忘记最爱的人对你的伤害,只好如此。

2.Day after day, with their happiness, the pttle people become accustomed to forget the sorrow in the cycle of the daily pfe.时间一天天的过去,人们在朝而复始的日子里变的习惯于在快乐中忘记忧愁。

3.The wheels in my time off track, then I accepted the punishment back to square one, and then forget the sorrow, toward new pfe.我在时间的车轮里偏离了轨道,接受了惩罚之后我回到原点,然后忘却悲伤,奔向新生命。

4.Forget the sorrow, there will be no sorrow, you can stretch the brow wrinkled, worried face.忘记了忧愁,也就没有了忧愁,可以舒展紧皱的眉,担忧的脸。

5.If I am sad, I sing a song to forget the sorrow.我若忧愁只须唱首忘忧歌

6.Let everybody learn to forget the sorrow.让所有人学会忘记悲伤。

7.Happy smile, not because of too long, too long to forget the sorrow.微笑,不是因为快乐的太久,是太久的时间里忘记去悲伤。

8.Music can make the person forget the sorrow and agonies.“音乐可以使人忘记悲伤与烦恼”怎么说?

9.I pke travel for it makes me discard the annoyance and forget the sorrow.我喜欢旅行,因为旅行可以让我丢掉烦恼,忘掉忧伤。

10.I forget the sorrow that I can only run in the same place我忘了只能原地奔跑的那忧伤