




1.自由处女免费在线观看,最新最热华语电影,好 少女不堪猥亵跳楼 …

2.免费的女人...误会‏ -... ... 「I am sorry three.」( 我对不起 3 ) 「 FREE WOMAN」( 免费的女人 ) 「Once a week」( 每周一次 ) ...

3.自由少女 火女82年版 The Woman of Fire '82 自由少女 Free Woman 终点 Terminal ...

4.免费女郎 说旅游者打听: 哪里有免费女郎(free woman), 告: 还没见过, 麻烦见到通告一声。今天半天班儿, 把娃娃带到纽约。

5.免费女人一个只懂一点洋径滨英语的游客,跳上一辆的士,对司机说,到免费女人free woman)那儿去。那老爷原是想看自由女神像…


1.Because Stapleton thought that she would be very much more useful to him if she appeared to be a free woman. '因为斯台普顿早就想到了,如果她看似一个单身的自由女子就会对他要有用得多。

2.Drive out the slave and her child for the child of the slave will not share the inheritance with the child of the free woman.把使女和她儿子赶出去,因为使女的儿子,不可与自主妇人的儿子一同承受产业

3.She has been a free woman for several years now, but she says she still suffers from nightmares and says her pfe has been scarred.现在她是一个自由人了,但是,她说,她仍然被过往的噩梦所折磨,她的生活已经伤痕累累。

4.As a free woman, she pubpshed both an antislavery letter and a poem to George Washington, whom she had met.做为一个自由的女性,她写了一封反对奴隶制度的信与一首诗给曾经碰过面的乔治.华盛顿。

5.For it is written that Abraham had two sons , one of the maidservant and one of the free woman .因为律法上记著,亚伯拉罕有两个儿子,一个是出于使女,一个是出于自主的妇人。

6.A rude awakening: out, to come back! This is a necessary process, with this process, is a pure woman with a free woman of distinction.猛然醒悟:出去,是为了回来!这是一个必经的过程,有了这个过程,才有了一个纯粹的农妇与一个自由的农妇的区别。

7.Promise to hold your tongue, and before that clock strikes--it wants three minutes of one--you're a free woman! ''答应我别吭声,在钟响之前——还差三分钟到一点——你就是个自由的女人了!

8.However the one of the maidservant was born according to the flesh, but the one of the free woman was born through promise.然而那出于使女的,是按著肉体生的;那出于自主妇人的,是藉著应许生的。

9.So then, brethren, we are not children of a bondwoman , but of the free woman.弟兄们、这样看来、我们不是使女的儿女、乃是自主妇人的儿女了。

10.Chinese guy: Hello! Do you know where I can find free woman?中国哥儿们:你好!请问你知道“免费女郎”在哪儿?