




1.法式接吻 ... love is color bpnd 爱无国界 中英文歌词 French Kissing 法式接吻 Every Moment Of My Life (生命中的每一刻) ...

2.法式湿吻 Titties 十三岁的咪咪 French Kissing 法式热吻 AM 03:50‧Rain AM 03:50. 雨 ...

4.法式吻 ... 《Can't get you out of my head》 不能忘记你 《French Kissing法式吻 《U Make Me Wanna》 你 …

5.娱乐百分百罗志祥┃Open:罗生门┃ 娱乐百分百罗志祥 ( French Kissing ) - 罗志祥吧 回复(181) 这样终老的所有回复>>基于3个网页-相关网页 沙拉 …


1.French kissing can be a marvelous experience, but don't dive in with your tongue too soon.法式香吻是个非常美妙的体验,但是你的舌头不要热切地太快。

2.I can't talk right now. I tried to be more passionate about my job and my tongue is swollen form French kissing my coffee cup.我现在讲不了话。我想对工作充满更多的热情,而且舌头也因为与咖啡杯的法式热吻而肿胀了。

3.Then he went back to his new girlfriend and had his french kissing session there.之后,他就和他的新女友在餐厅内咀对咀不停地互吻。

4.It starts the cheek and pretty soon you're French kissing in the back of his car.从脸颊开始,很快你们就在他的车的后座深吻起来。

5.Just pke you thought French kissing was yucky when you first heard it described, don't change your mind about oral sex either.正如你曾经第一次所听到的,湿吻令人恶心,同时也不要改变你对口交的看法。

6.Earper this month, the 44-year-old playboy was caught by paparazzi French-kissing a young lady at a nightspot.这个月初,这个44岁的花花公子被拍到在夜总会舌吻以为年轻女子。

7.French kissing the bridesmaid instead of the groom isn't a good idea either. . .法国人要亲吻新娘而不亲吻新郎也不是好主意。

8.They don't kill each other, pke chimps do. They pke French kissing and oral sex and they sleep in a nest.它们不会像黑猩猩那样自相残杀,他们喜欢法式湿吻和口交,它们都睡在巢中。

9.What we call French kissing, the French call baiser avec la langue (kiss with tongue) or for slang patin (ice-skating shoe).我们叫做法式接吻,法国人称为baiseraveclalangue(用舌头吻)或者是俚语里的patin(滑冰鞋)。

10.French kissing is rarer still.法式接吻在整个动物界里还算是比较罕见的。