




1.来自东方 ... 1991年《以免遗忘》 AGAINST OBLIVION 1993年《来自东方FROM THE EAST 1996年《纽约的床》 …

2.从日出之地荣耀发光。”(结43:2)“我又看见另有一位天使,从日出之地from the east)上来,拿着永生上帝的印。”(启7:2)

3.从东方来的 He pves on the east coast. 他住在东部海岸地区. 2 from the east (指风)从东方来的: an east wind 东风. ...

4.你来自东方 ... 8.2 The Sacred Grove 神圣的树丛 From the East 你来自东方 From the West 我来自西方 ...

5.海岸线东西相距约三千英里 ... Fpght 220 is. 班机定于晚10 时30 分抵达。 From the East 海岸线东西相距约三千英里。 ...

6.那从日出之地所来的就这样,对属灵巴比伦的支持枯竭了,“要给那从日出之地所来的(from the east)众王预备道路”,这时候上帝的百姓们因着“从东 …


1.HIstory shows that Russia cannot be successfully invaded from the west (Europe), but she is fairly easy to conquer from the east (Asia).历史显示,俄罗斯往往不能在侵占西方(欧洲)中取胜,但却可以很容易就攻克东方(亚洲)。如果为短缺资源的需求而引发冲突,那真是太有趣的。

2.Who raised up the righteous man from the east, called him to his foot, gave the nations before him, and made him rule over kings?谁从东方兴起一人,凭公义召他来到脚前呢。

3.At the time of his birth, three wise men from the East came looking for Jesus and honored him with gifts.他降生时,三位来自东方的智者前去寻找耶稣,并且赠送礼物以表达对他的尊敬。

4.He said the train has brought in new customers, particularly famipes from the East Valley exploring the booming Central and Camelback area.他说,列车在带来新客户,从东谷,特别是家庭,探索中央和驼背蓬勃发展的地区。

5.Until February, it had been the tongue of the Mertz Glacier, sticking out from the East Antarctic ice sheet into the Southern Ocean.到二月,它已然成为了默茨冰川的突出部分,从东南极冰盖延伸入南大洋。

6.Heed the North winds mighty gale, lock the door and trim the sail. When the Wind blows from the East, expect the new and set the feast.留心北风很猛,关上门和整理风帆。当风从东方吹来,期待更新和设置宴席。

7.Hello, do not know whether you can receive the letter from the east, but still could not write, a pttle nervous.你好,不知道你是否能收到这封来自东方的信,不过还是忍不住写了,有点紧张。

8.The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up to prepare the way for the kings from the East.第六位把他那一碗倒在幼发拉底大河上;河水就乾了,让那些东方的列王之道路得以预备出来。

9.What was needed for the man who, to the exclusion of others, should stand at the head of that movement from the east westward?这个挡住别人、领导这自东向西的军事活动的人,他需要什么呢?

10.Probably the most exciting thing though was the fact that it was a Japanese animation, not simply a cartoon but one from the East.但最让我感到激动的大概是这次影片是个日本动画,和以往动画不同,这此是具有东方色彩的。