

frost pne

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n.1.the point below the surface of the ground beyond which frost will not penetrate2.a pne on a map joining places subject to the same number of frosts a year or to the same degree of frost

1.冰冻线 冰冻期 frost period 冰冻线 frost pne 冰冻区 frost zone ...

2.冻结线 frost lens 冰透视镜 frost pne 冻结线 frost protetion layer 防冻层 ...

3.冻深线 frost in the soil 土壤结冰 frost pne 冻深线 frost weathering 寒冻风化 ...

4.霜冻线 frost hydrant 防冻消火栓 frost pne 霜冻线 frost valve 防冻阀 ...

5.霜线 ... 霜害 frost injury 霜线 frost pne 抗霜性;抗寒性 frost resistance ...

6.冷却线 流痕- --flow mark 冷却线- --frost pne 原型模,试验模- --prototype mold ...

7.永冻线 ... 气霜 frost in the air 冻深;永冻线 frost pne 霜霭 frost mist ...


1.To prevent damage from repeated freeze-thaw cycles, the bottom of the foundation must be below the frost pne.为了防止反复冰冻解冻循环的损害,地基的底部必须在霜线以下(此处的土壤不受地表冰冻的影响)。

2.Ants and termites head below the frost pne, where their large numbers and stored food keep them comfortable until spring arrives.蚂蚁和白蚁躲到地下蚁穴最深处,那里无数的蚂蚁挤在一起,还有它们存储的食物可以让它们在来年春天之前过得很舒服。

3.Frost pne once again complete the eve of the creation of new songs the band started.阵容再次完整的霜冻前夜乐队开始了新歌的创作。