




1.佮 ... 长江办公家具 LAAS 麦格 ME:GAH 冬臣 JuetFeel ...

5.回转式空气预热器 栽 FAS GAH 钱 QG ...

7.甲 cuann suann 山 gah eh beh 白 ...


1.I laughed, and with pride I said "Goo gah. "我笑了,很自豪地说:“咕,嘎。”

2.This refers to a cluster of Taliban-controlled villages close to Lashkar Gah, the provincial capital.这意味着在离该省首府LashkarGah不远的塔利班控制村落形成了包围之势。

3.Police officials are blaming a motorcycle filled with explosives for the incident in Lashkar Gah, capital of Helmand province.警方称,在哈尔曼德省首府拉什卡尔加,一辆装满炸药的摩托车被引爆从而造成了此次伤亡事件。

4.Lashkar Gah residents also praised the Helmand governor, Gulab Mangal, for his role in stabilising the province.拉什卡尔加居民也赞扬了赫尔曼德省的省长吉拉卜·曼加尔,他在稳定该省秩序中起了很大作用。

5.Haji Salih Mohammad, a Lashkar Gah shopkeeper, agreed that the police were improving.哈吉·萨利·穆罕默德,一个拉什卡尔加店主,也同意警察在不断改进他们的工作。

6.For the past five weeks, British forces have been clearing the territory between Lashkar Gah and Girishk in Afghanistan's Helmand Province.英国军队过去五星期来一直在扫荡阿富汗赫尔曼德省拉什卡尔加和格里什克之间的地区。

7.The ANA will form a perimeter at the edge of Lashkar Gah with soldiers stationed at checkpoints.ANA会在拉什卡尔加边缘形成一个保护圈,各检查点驻扎士兵。

8.OBJECTIVE: To observe the minimal effective dose of GAH on the kaolin and carrageenan-induced arthritis in rat models.目的:观察盐酸氨基葡萄糖对由白陶土与鹿角菜胶诱发大鼠关节炎的治疗最低有效剂量。

9.GAH could induce lymphocytes proliferation and significantly increase the secretion of IL-2 in treatment group.GAH具有有丝分裂原样的作用,能够诱导淋巴细胞增殖并且分泌IL-2。

10.Naruto: (Irritated that he can't get out) Gah! ! ! ! How did I get stuck here? I didn't even put that much power into that attack.鸣人:(拔不出来很恼火)啊!!!!我怎么会卡在这?我没在那一击里使什么力。
