


英文单词:金紫荆星章(Gold Bauhinia Star);链球菌;全球业务服务部门(Global Business Services)


1.金紫荆星章(Gold Bauhinia Star) 蓝先生於二零零零年七月一日获颁金紫荆星章(GBS)。於二零零三年一月,蓝先生获委任为中国人民政治协商会议全国 政协委员。

2.链球菌  乙型链球菌gbs)在成人几乎不会引起疾病,但在新生儿可引起致命的感染。你在免疫力或抵抗力下降时也可发生感染。

3.全球业务服务部门(Global Business Services)GBSGlobal Business Services)全球企业咨询服务部 STG (Systems & Technology Group) 系统科技部追问 非计算机专业的 …

4.格林巴利综合征(Guillain-Barre syndrome)格林巴利综合征(gbs)又叫急性感染性多神经根炎,是以周围神经和神经根的脱髓鞘及小血管周围淋巴细胞及巨噬细胞的炎性反 …

5.湖南广播影视集团芒果影业以湖南广播影视集团GBS)强大的媒体平台和优质资源为依托,准确把脉中国影视娱乐市场的走向,坚持以市场为 …


1.Since the Ka-band Wideband Global Satcom (WGS) satellite is now in service, GBS has added WGS to its broadcast network.由于Ka波段的宽带全球卫星通信(WGS)已经投入使用,全球广播服务已把WGS纳入其广播网络中。

2.The reason why GBS developed in association with that specific vaccine has never been firmly established.为什么GBS与特异性疫苗协同发生的理由从未明确证实。

3.There are many vaccines have temporal association with GBS. But causal association between them is not concluded.许多疫苗和格林巴利综合征有联系,但一直没有因果关联性结论。

4.As part of that move, ViaSat is working to enable the standard JIPM to simultaneously operate as a two-way modem and GBS receiver.为此,ViaSat正在努力使标准的JIPM能够同时作为两路调制解调器和全球广播服务接收器。

5.Objective To explore the clinical characteristics and pathogenic mechanism of sensory ataxia form of GBS.目的探讨感觉性共济失调型CIDP的临床特点和发病机理。

6.As an example, consider a consultant from IBM GBS New Zealand, sent to Spain on an assignment at a critical client site.举例来说,设想来自IBMGBS新西兰的顾问,在关键的客户端网站上向西班牙发送任务。

7.Group B streptococcal (GBS) infections cause significant morbidity and mortality in the newborn population of the western countries.西方国家新生儿B族链球菌感染(GBS),引起显著的发病率和死亡率。

8.Graham Tuckwell, who set it up, subsequently moved base to the UK, where he set up ETF Securities and a European sister for GBS.这家合资企业的创办人格雷厄姆-塔克威尔(GrahamTuckwell)随后将总部搬到了英国,并在那里建立了ETF证券公司和GBS的欧洲姊妹公司。

9.Between now and 37 weeks, your doctor will do a culture to test you for a bacteria called group B streptococci (GBS).从现在开始到37周,你的医生将会做个细菌培养来测试B型链球菌。

10.Because IBM is a global company serving clients in hundreds of countries, documenting the GBS CRM Business Process is a challenging task.由于IBM是一家在一百多个国家向客户提供服务的跨国公司,因此编制GBSCRM业务过程是一件具有挑战的任务。
