


网络释义:防火长城(Great Fire Wall);防火墙;长城防火墙


1.防火长城(Great Fire Wall)在防火长城(GFW)不断继续升级以及扩大化敏感词的情况下,已经越来越浮现”狗咬尾巴定律”,也就是防火长城将审查者自己伤 …

2.防火墙家防火墙GFW)之父”全国人大代表、北京邮电大学校长方滨兴:实施过滤计划慎用在线更新输入法.中国信息产业网(2010 …

3.长城防火墙中国的长城防火墙GFW)现在是一次又一次的在出风头呀。现在大部分的发送失败都是因为这样影响大面积的内部用户,最 …

4.中国防火长城方滨兴是中国防火长城GFW)主要部分的设计师,该防火墙对境外网站采取屏蔽、关键字过滤、定时干扰等行为,方滨兴今 …

5.中国网络防火墙楼主不会不知道中国网络防火墙(GFW)吧。。。评价答案 在路上 回答采纳率:24.1% 2011-09-20 21:36 满意答案 好评率:0% …


1.Before he speaks, the GFW's father always pauses a few seconds and then when he talks, adopts a measured tone and a considered pace.每次当他发言之前,他总是先停顿几秒,来调整他的语调和语速。

2.Tired of the controls, many Chinese have learned to get around "the Great Firewall, " or GFW, as the system is known.由于厌恶网络控制,许多中国网民学会了翻越网络防火墙,GFW是此套系统的通称。

3."So far, the GFW [Great Firewall] is lagging behind and still needs improvement, " said the man known as its father.“目前,GFW[防火长城]已经落伍,仍需改善。”GFW之父说。

4.Many of these re-posts are deleted right away, but most of the articles she writes can be found somewhere within the Great Fire Wall.很多转载文章会被很快删除,不过她写的大多数文章在GFW内一些地方还是可以找到的。

5.The US company's service is blocked by China's Great Firewall.Facebook的服务遭到了中国防火长城(GFW)的屏蔽。

6.But perhaps for the government, the GFW helps to protect China's interests.不过可能对政府来说,GFW保护了中国的利益。

7.Rebuilding design of GFW high voltage switch boxGFW高压开关柜的改造设计

8.I asked Laojun himself what he thought of China's internet censorship programme, usually called the GFW or "great firewall" in China我亲自问了老君对于中国网络审查系统的看法。这套审查系统在中国通常被称为GFW或长城防火墙。