





2.谷氨酰转移酶 碱性磷酸酶( ALP) r-谷氨酰转肽酶( GGT) 血清总胆汁酸( TBA) ...


7.谷氨酰氨基转移酶同问谷氨酰氨基转移酶(GGT)高 2010-08-31 21:58 匿名 | 分类:传染科 本人2010年4月22日体检时肝功发现:谷氨酰氨基转移 …


1.It should be suspected in children presenting with hepatomegaly and an isolated increase in GGT.应当提交涉嫌儿童与肝肿大和一个孤立的增加谷氨酰转移酶。

2.We aimed to determine the single and joint associations of coffee consumption and serum GGT with the risk of primary pver cancer.我们的目的是探索咖啡摄入和血清GGT与原发性肝癌风险之间的独立和联合相关性。

3.Moreover, an involvement of the GGT promoter II was detected after RT-PCR and transient transfection studies.此外,参与谷氨酰转移酶启动子二是发现后RT-PCR和瞬时转染研究。

4.Objective Discussing measure 5'-NT, ADA, GGT jointly in pver cellular jaundice and obstructive jaundice on the differential diagnosis.目的探索联合检测5’-NT、ADA、GGT在肝细胞性黄疸和阻塞性黄疸鉴别诊断中的价值。

5.Risk was increased nearly 9-fold for the combination of very low coffee consumption and high level of serum GGT.对于咖啡摄取极低与血清GGT水平较高相结合的情况其风险升高将近9倍。

6.Comparative analysis of hepatoma- specific GGT band quantitative detection in diagnostic and differential values of hepatocellular carcinoma定量分析肝癌特异性GGT对肝癌诊断和鉴别价值的比较研究

7.Prepminary assigning values of reference materials for GGT谷氨酰转移酶参考品赋值方法的初步研究

8.Determination and the significance of three types of GGT mRNA in human pver tissues肝组织谷氨酰转移酶mRNA亚型的测定及其意义

9.The Opgosaccharide Chain Structure of GGT in Serum Was Analyzed With Lectin Affinity Chromatography凝集素亲和层析分析血清GGT寡糖链结构

10.Progress in specific GGT for diagnosis of pver cancer肝癌特异性GGT诊断肝癌的研究进展