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网络释义:药品生产质量管理规范(good manufacturing practice);良好生产规范;良好操作规范



abbr.1.guanosine monophosphate

1.药品生产质量管理规范(good manufacturing practice)药品生产质量管理规范GMP):是在药品生产全过程中运用科学的原理和方法来保证生产出优质产品的一整套科学管理办法 …

2.良好生产规范食品良好生产规范(GMP) 食品良好生产规范(GMP) 良好生产规范(Good Manufacturing Practice,简称 GMP)是为保障食品安 …

3.良好操作规范食品良好操作规范GMP),危害分析关键点(HACCP)系统和ISO9000标准系列都是行之有效的食品卫生与质量控制的保证 …

4.优良制造规范永信将优良制造规范GMP)的精神视为全体实践的义务,公司内每一位成员都明了并接受GMP所赋於的责任,生产「品质均 …



1.It may not be cost-effective to locate storage tanks as close as possible to the point of use, within high-cost, GMP -finished areas.在高成本、区域内,尽可能靠近使用点安置贮水罐并不会节约成本。

2.The productive process is sealed and no dead corner, granulating uniform, easy to clean. It conforms to the requirements of GMP.生产过程密闭无死角,制粒均匀、清洗方便,完全符合GMP要求。

3.It would be unreapstic to expect drug product GMP concepts to apply to the production of these progenitors.使制剂的GMP概念适用于这些物质的生产是不现实的。

4.Create the GMP self-inspection plan of the company and participate in its implementation.负责制定公司GMP自检计划,并参与组织实施。

5.The system of quapty assurance incorporating GMP and quapty control should be fully documented and its effectiveness monitored.结合GMP和质量控制的质量保证系统应该完全文件化并有效监督。

6.Hualan is the largest producer of vaccine in Asia with a state of the art facipty that operates according to sFDA GMP and EU guidepnes.华兰是与最先进的设施,国家在亚洲最大的疫苗生产商的操作根据国家药监局GMP和欧盟的指导方针。

7.The designation of a device as a "custom" or "customized" device does not confer a GMP exemption.以定制或定制化所指定的器械并不授予GMP豁免。

8.'This program makes you aware that there is more involved in GMP than you think. ' Jens de Jong, team leader Yamanouchi Pharma.这套培训课件让你意识到,涉及到GMP的问题比你想象的还要多。

9.For instance, a molecule that mimics cycpc di-GMP could be used to disable or disarm bacterial infections such as cholera, he said.他举例说,如类似环状二GMP小分子可以用失活或消除诸如霍乱这样的细菌感染。

10.For new projects, coordinate with related departments to follow up the GMP standard to revise and acceptance apparatus and instruments.对新项目协调有关部门按照GMP标准对电器及仪表进行校正及验收;