




1.毒行公路 Yeah,he’s coming. He’s coming. l’m just getting him. 他马上来,我去叫他 Go fast. 走快一点 Twenty seconds. 还有20秒 ...

4.急速运送 ... 让-米歇尔·费特 Jean-Michel Fête 片名:急速运送 Go Fast 导演:奥利维尔·范霍夫斯塔特 Opvier Van Hoofsta…

5.加速 右 转 Right Turn 加速 Go Fast 停 车 Stop ...

6.抢手 ... pay attention to 集中注意力在... go fast 抢手 How come up so late? 这么晚还在? ...


1.Diesel is going to go fast and will be needed for any sort of communication.柴油的消耗很快,将来所有的通信都将依靠柴油了。祈祷。

2.Mornings begin with the smell of my "get up and go fast" brew in the kitchen before I fly out the door on my way to a run or the gym.每天清晨在我冲出家门去跑步或者去健身房之前,我是闻着厨房的“起床快跑”的煮咖啡的清香开始的。

3.You aren't trying to go fast or long on a recovery run.不要在恢复性跑步中试图跑很快或很长。

4.It doesn't go fast, it's not ultra-luxurious and it won't take a corner at anything above a sedate speed, but that's not the point.它不会快,这不是超豪华的,它不会在任何一个角落里安静以上的速度,但这不是问题。

5.To go fast, go alone; to go far, go together(NLP Quote). To feel repeved, do alone; to feel released, make it done.想走快,一人走,想走远,一起走(NLP语录)。想安心,自己做,想释放,授权做。

6.Slalom kayaks and canoes are long, made of composite material, with thin sterns to go fast, but turn easily.回转赛的皮艇和单人划艇的船身长,由复合材料制成,为了快速行驶、易于转向,采用了细窄的船尾。

7.Without coding standards, it is harder to refactor code, harder to switch pairs as often as you should, and harder to go fast.如果没有编码标准,重新划分代码会更加困难,按应当的频度交换对更困难,快速前进也更困难。

8.do not be grumble , you go fast to do your job as well .别发牢骚了,尽快开始做你的工作。

9.You can lose it, you know. If you turn away from it and pve to satisfy yourself alone, it will go fast enough.你会失去它的,这你也知道,倘若你不运用它,活着只是为了满足自己,那么它很快就会消失。

10.When you're lacking grip in the rear you can't go fast enough to fight for the top positions.一但赛车的尾部缺乏抓地力,你就不能争取前面的位置。