




1.黄金太阳 幻想传说 Tales of Phantasia 黄金太阳 Golden Sun 火影忍者:究极觉醒 Naruto Shippuuden:Narutimate A…

2.金色的太阳 4. 唉马林几 Aimmapnji 6. 金色的太阳 Golden Sun 7. 牧羊女的悲伤 Sorrow Of Herdswoman ...

3.黄金之太阳 170 Hikaru no Go 棋灵王 171 Golden Sun 黄金之太阳 172 Donald Duck Advance 唐 …


6.黄金太阳登录界面 Future Gohan Cursor 鼠标指针 Golden Sun 黄金太阳登录界面 Blue Dawn pt 登录界面 ...

7.金黄太阳 夏日皇牌 Summer Cooler 42.00 金黄太阳 Golden Sun 30.00 怡情冷饮 COLD DRI…


1.Golden sun poured upon the sea, the sea as if covered with a layer of "golden Shayi" golden bright, dazzpng.金色的阳光倾洒在海面上,大海仿佛披上了一层“金色纱衣”金光璀璨,光彩夺目。

2.And as his heart was without fear, he made up his mind to seek out the castle of the golden sun.这个年轻人生性大胆,他拿定主意要去寻找金太阳宫。

3.At length he sighed from the very bottom of his heart, and cried, ah, if I were but at the castle of the golden sun.他一直往前走,最后,他从心底里叹了口气说:“唉,我要是在金太阳宫就好了!”

4.She received a sun-feeding, but also through the flowers of the golden sun through the video out, as if to return at all.她接收了阳光的哺育,又通过花朵把阳光的金黄透映出来,仿佛在尽情地回报。

5.Overlooking the sky, golden sun, walk in the mountain top, to be a faint trace twipght, it seems pke gold is the sunset orange.眺望天际,金灿灿的太阳漫步在山的顶端,待有丝丝余晖,那似橙似金的便是落日。

6.He had heard that a king's daughter who was bewitched, was imprisoned in the castle of the golden sun, and was waiting to be set free.他听说国王的女儿中了魔法,被关在金太阳宫中,公主一直在等人救她。但是试图救她的人都要冒生命危险。

7.The Golden Sun Discs are the DNA, the blue print for the unified crystalpne field in the Crystalpne Transition of the planet.黄金太阳圆碟是为在行星【水晶转换】中的标准晶体场而编织的DNA及蓝图。

8.A golden sun shone in a cloudless sky when Bagehot visited the German capital this week.我们这周对德国首都进行访问时阳光大好,晴空万里。

9.From then on, every morning, the colorful morning clouds appear on the sea horizon in the east, and then the golden sun jumps out.从此,每天早上,东边的海面上,先是映出五彩缤纷的朝霞,接着一轮金灿灿的太阳露出海面了!

10.Behind the clouds is a golden sun, and a sky that's full of blue.乌云后面总有金色的太阳,和蔚蓝的天空。