


美式发音: [ˈɡeɪbriəl] 英式发音: [ˈɡeibriəl]





n.1.in Christian, Islamic, and Jewish tradition, an archangel who acts as God's messenger.


2.加布里埃尔 Fred 弗 瑞 德 Gabriel 加 百 利 Gaby 加 比 ...

4.大天使加百列Brotherhood)信徒的说法,他们认为先知嘉布瑞尔Gabriel)告知“死亡时间”将会在2017年1月1日,只有兄弟会成员可逃过 …


1.As the sun was rising the next morning, Gabriel waited out-side his hut until he saw the young woman riding up the hill.第二天早晨当太阳升起时,盖伯瑞尔在他的小屋外等着,后来他看见那个姑娘骑马上山来。

2.From time to time the sound of the flute stopped, and Gabriel came out of his hut to check his sheep.笛声不时地停下来,盖伯瑞尔走出他的小屋查看羊群。

3.He instructs the archangel Gabriel to go down and tell the president that it is time for him to take leave of his people.他指示大天使加百利立即下凡去告诉总统先生,现在是与他的人民分手的时候了。

4.'You must be very old, maltster, 'said Gabriel poptely, 'to have such an old son as Jacob here. '“有雅各布这样大的儿子,你一定年纪不小了,老板,”盖伯瑞尔礼貌地说。

5.And I heard a man's voice between the banks of Ulai, which called, and said, Gabriel, make this man to understand the vision.我又听见乌莱河两岸中有人声呼叫说,加百列阿,要使此人明白这异象。

6.They cpmbed down and stood together in the darkness, Bathsheba seeming to think only of the storm, Gabriel thinking only of her.他们爬下来,在黑暗中一起站着。芭丝谢芭似乎只想着风暴,而盖伯瑞尔却只想着她。

7.'It's really difficult to see how [Europe] can get out of this, ' says Gabriel Stein, a director at Lombard Street Research in London.伦敦研究公司LombardStreetResearch总监斯坦因(GabrielStein)说,真的很难设想欧洲怎么能走出这场危机。

8.the angel gabriel came and grabbed me by my arm . he took me to that ugly black door that i didn t even want to look at.天使加百利抓住我的臂膀,带我进了那扇我连看都不想看一眼的丑门。

9.'You can bring the straw up to me in armfuls, if you aren't afraid to cpmb the ladder in the dark, 'said Gabriel.“你要不怕在这黑天里爬梯子,就给我往上抱稻草吧。”盖伯瑞尔说。

10.Gabriel takes Chloe, shoves a gun to her side, and demands that she comes with him.加布里埃尔带给克洛,把一只枪推动到她的边,并且要求她与他一起来。