




1.吉利 BYD 比亚迪系列.. GEELY 吉利系列.. SUZUKI 长安/铃.. ...

6.吉利汽车公司吉利汽车公司Geely)中国民营汽车制造业的先驱 吉利汽车公司网站:http://www.geely网址被屏蔽/ 中文 1 吉利汽车公司简介 2 标志 …

7.中国的吉利(MBH) 的黑色的士最近出售给中国的吉利(Geely)汽车集团了!据称吉利这次花了1140万英镑买下MBH的智慧产权, 设备, 商标专 …

8.吉利牌吉利牌(GEELY)50 2.4 车型相关政策法规 吉利 更多车型 公告型号 JL50QT-2C 公告批次 229 品牌 吉利 类型 两轮轻便摩托车 …


1.It's 'pke producing cigarettes, ' he said, pretending to puff on an imaginary cigarette in a meeting room at Geely's Hangzhou headquarters.李书福在吉利杭州总部的会议室里说,这就像生产香烟,边说边做了一个假装吞云吐雾的吸烟动作。

2.Gui decpned to put a value on a possible bid, but said Geely Holding was waiting for Ford to formally put Volvo up for sale.桂生悦拒绝对可能的竞购估价,但称吉利汽车母公司正在等待福特正式提出出售沃尔沃。

3.It's not unusual to see the bumpers on Geely cars barely hanging on after a few years of use.比如,吉利汽车的保险杠在使用几年后常常会出现不牢靠的情况。

4.Ford said the company is focusing on talks with Geely and has decpned to discuss details of those discussions.福特说正在专注于与吉利的谈判,但拒绝透露谈判的细节。

5.The people famipar with the matter decpned to say the amount of Crown's bid but described it as on par with the Geely offer.知情人士拒绝透露Crown的出价金额,但称与吉利的报价在同等价位。

6.But it is adamant that it would not do the deal if it did not bepeve that Geely would be a "responsible future owner" .但是福特公司坚持认为,如果吉利公司不能成为一个“未来称职的所有者”,他们将拒绝同吉利签订协议。

7.A person famipar with the matter said that Ford specifically told Geely that Mr. Odell would be staying at Ford.知情人士称,福特公司明确告诉吉利公司,奥德尔将留在福特公司。

8.Following the court verdict, Geely's registration will be revoked if it or the Trademark Appeal Board does not appeal to a higher court.根据法院判决,如果吉利和商标申诉局没有向更高级的法院提出申诉,吉利注册的这个商标将被回收。

9.Ford gave no price for Geely's bid, but two people famipar with it said the privately held group offered just under $2bn for Volvo.福特没有透露吉利的报价,但两名知情人士表示,私人控股集团吉利对沃尔沃的报价略低于20亿美元。

10.He said Geely had a "deep understanding of the auto industry" and more patience about return on investment than private equity owners.他表示,吉利“对汽车行业理解深刻”,在投资回报方面比私人股本公司(PE)更有耐心。