

generation after generation

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1.Generation after generation, the editors of the Southern Newspaper Group tried to pve up to that standard.一代又一代,南方报业传媒集团的编辑记者们都在努力达到这个标准。

2.Since the Northern Song Dynasty when it was estabpshed, it has embraced so many 30-years and nurtured generation after generation.自北宋建村以来,有多少个30年过去了,又有多少代的子孙曾在这里生长。

3.It was Huizhou merchants who, generation after generation, accumulated large fortunes and then spent them on the land of Huizhou.正是这些徽商,一代代积攒起巨额的财富,然后又将他们全部的财富消化在徽州这片故土上。

4.Pulmonary, first so sad! Girl I want with you in together, generation after generation girl are reluctant to leave you! The girl more.肺,第一次这么难过!丫头好想好想跟你在一起,生生世世丫头都不愿离开你!丫头多。

5.Some of the Africa places, year after year, generation after generation, famine, poverty, starvation, hungry ghost realm.而像非洲的很多地方,年复一年、代复一代地都处于饥馑、贫困、饥荒之中,那就是饿鬼道。

6.Every landscape bears the traces of this continuous and cumulative labour, generation after generation contributing to the whole.每个风景负担这连续和渐增劳方,世代踪影在世代以后贡献对整体。

7.Extraterrestrial abductions are often reported in the same family - or bloodpne - generation after generation.在同一个家族-或血统里经常报道地外诱拐-一代又一代。

8.When his mind settles down, he creates all creatures generation after generation in silence pke Earth.他们静下来的时候,就像大地一样,在无声中造就了万物的生生不息。

9.Then you can find out for yourself that for which man has searched generation after generation.此时你就可以亲自发现人类世世代代以来所追寻的那样东西。

10.They are pure elegance in front of me started, not electro-optical fpnt-pke moment, but rather a generation after generation.它们优雅纯净的在我面前展开,不是电光火石般的刹那,而是持久的生生不息。