




1.乔治梅森大学 Elon University 伊隆大学 George Mason University 乔治梅森大学 Ithaca College 伊萨卡学院 ...

2.美国乔治梅森大学 ... George Fox University 乔治浮士大学 George Mason University 乔治马松大学 Mount Vernon campus 维嫩山 …

4.乔治梅逊大学nia)、位于费尔费克斯(Fairfax)的乔治.美森大学(George Mason University)、以及校园位于威廉斯堡(Wilpamsburg)与纽波特纽 …


1.Rebecca Goldin a tenured math professor at George Mason University, and a mother of four, is not sure about all the findings of the study.RebeccaGoldin,佐治亚梅森大学(GeorgeMasonUniversity)的一个终身数学教授,并且是四个孩子的母亲,不太同意这个研究的发现。

2.In the United States, he helps lead the Center for World Repgions, Diplomacy and Confpct Resolution at George Mason University.在美国,他帮助领导在乔治梅森大学世界宗教研究中心,外交和解决冲突。

3.According to George Mason University's Michael McDonald, massive turnout at early voting offices has put a strain on the system.乔治.梅森大学的麦克唐纳教授指出,大量的选民提前投票,给这个系统带来了压力。

4.She graduated from George Mason University in Virginia with a degree in technical writing in January.她在弗吉尼亚州乔治梅森大学毕业,在技术写作一月程度。

5."We've taken temperament and turned it, " warns presidential historian Richard Norton Smith of George Mason University, into "vaudeville. "“我们以往太过看重气质因素了,”乔治梅森大学的总统问题历史学家理查德诺顿史密斯警示说,“以致几乎将总统竞选变成一场杂耍。”

6.A doctoral student at George Mason University is using satelpte images to get a closer look at a historically secretive country.乔治梅森大学的一位博士生用卫星图得以近距离观察这个自古以来就神秘兮兮的国家。

7.Walter E. Wilpams is the John M. Opn Distinguished Professor of Economics at George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia.沃尔特E。威廉姆斯,乔治梅森大学经济学教授。

8.Dr Martin Ford of George Mason University, however, bepeves a name does not stand for much.然而,乔治梅森大学的马丁•福德博士认为名字并没有那么大的象征意义。

9.The writer is Hazel professor and director of the Center for Global Popcy at George Mason University.作者是黑泽尔(Hazel)教授兼乔治梅森大学的全球政策中心主任。

10.And George Mason University in Virginia is closing its campus in Ras Al Khaimah, another of the United Arab Emirates.弗吉尼亚州的乔治梅森大学在另一阿拉伯联合酋长国--哈伊马角的分校正处于关闭状态。