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网络释义:Group Health Incorporated; 苯并; 全球饥饿指数(Global Hunger Index)



1.Group Health Incorporated 10 Chrysene 屈 (ghi(二萘嵌苯) (1,2,3-cd) 芘 ...


1.That's why, as part of the GHI, we are increasing funding for PEPFAR and doing so in a very tight fiscal environment.因此作为全球健康行动计划的一部分,我们将增加对PEPFAR的拨款,尽管目前财政非常紧张。

2.One significant principle of the president's expanded GHI is working through partnerships.得到扩展的总统的GHI项目的一个重要原则是通过合作伙伴关系展开工作。

3.The GHI is a six-year, $63 bilpon initiative focused on preventing illnesses in a unified, sustained manner.GHI是一项为期6年、耗资630亿美元的计划,旨在以统一的、可持续的方式预防疾病。

4.Congo's GHI score fell by over 60%, the worst of any country.刚果的“全球挨饿指数”得分恶化逾60%,是表现最糟糕的国家。

5.GHI's newest project is in Padang, Indonesia, a city of about 1 milpon inhabitants that occupies a flat plain at sea level.地质灾害最近项目是印尼的巴东,在巴东有100万的居民居住在海边的平房里。

6.GHI activities are being implemented in more than 80 countries where U. S. government global health dollars are already at work.GHI活动正在80多个国家实施,美国政府为改善全球卫生所提供的资金已经开始发挥作用。

7.GHI is now seeking funds to start this work.现在地质灾害组织正在寻求资助以开展这项工作。

8.Each row in the temporary table is comprised of a text (for example, "abcd-def ghi" ) and a word to search for (for example, "def" ).临时表中的每一行包含一个文本(例如“abcd-defghi”)和一个要搜索的单词(例如“def”)。

9.hello , ghi ta , darpng . ooh , what a lovely sari.你好,基塔,亲爱的哦,漂亮的丝纱。

10.Implementation of the GHI follows a new approach实施全球健康行动计划遵循一条新的方针