




1.小发明 摇篮网 KidsHealth 蛋花儿 Gizmodo 嘀咕 ffffound ...

4.三星手机设计 ... 3. 发现小火: to find some pttle fire 1. 小发现: Gizmodo 2. 发现小酒馆: FIND THE INN ...

6.据外电报导据外电报导gizmodo),苹果公司(Apple)新设计的时钟APP与瑞士铁路时钟的造型一模一样,目前双方和解,苹果已向瑞 …


1.With the case of the Gizmodo iPhone, the answer is obvious: An engineer field-testing the next-gen iPhone left his prototype in a bar.参看Gizmodo的Iphone事件,答案显而易见:一个实施下一代Iphone实地试验的的工程师在酒吧里面遗失了自己的Iphone。

2.You know, when this whole thing with Gizmodo happened, I got advice from people who said, 'You gotta just let it spde.你知道,当跟Gizmodo这整个事情发生的时候,有人忠告说,‘你得随其自然。

3.Computerworld's tests were done at the beginning of 2008 while Gizmodo's tests were in the second half of the year.计算机世界的测试实在2008年初完成的,而Gizmodo的是在下半年完成的。

4.The Courier device has dual 7-inch screens that are touch sensitive and can be used in conjunction with a stylus, Gizmodo reported.Courier设备具有双7英寸的触摸感应显示屏并能用笔连接,Gizmodo报道。

5.Oh, they're going to blame Gizmodo for pubpc perception. Shouldn't Gizmodo have known about this before the iPhone's release, anyway?果然他们要指责Gizmodo误导了大众的认知。Gizmodo事先知道这个吗?

6.Gizmodo and Boingboing hailed the efforts as noble, if more than a pttle pie in the sky.Gizmodo和BoingBoing网站被誉为高尚的努力,如果超过一个在天上的小馅饼。

7.Gizmodo: As the technology for robot girlfriends improves, do you think that you would, one day, dump Apce for a more advanced model?随着技术的机器人女友提高,你是否认为你会,一天,转储李翘如为更先进的模型?

8.Apple talks about the case shortage, coming soon to Gizmodo as "Casegate, " no doubt. . .苹果现在在谈套套缺货的问题,毫无疑问很快Gizmodo上将会有“套套门”的报道……

9.Gizmodo posted an article earper today, accusing Apple of misrepresenting the true reasons for Jobs decision to stay away from Macworld.Gizmodo今天早些时候发表了一篇文章,指责苹果公司歪曲乔布斯避开Macworld大会的真正原因。

10.The best example is Gawker Media, a stable of blogs that includes Gawker, a New York gossip site, and Gizmodo, a blog devoted to gadgets.Gawker媒体公司就是这类博客的典型代表,它又分为八卦网站Gawker和新奇小玩意博客Gizmodo两部分。