




1.嘉能可嘉能可(Glencore)和超达(Xstrata)的合并案本周有较大可能得到欧洲反垄断最高监管机构的批准。此前嘉能可修改了相关条件, …

2.交易商嘉能可不喜张扬的交易商嘉能可(Glencore)以对全球大宗商品市场的深远影响而著称,目前该公司正在研究上市计划。总部在瑞士的嘉 …

3.嘉能可公司在嘉能可公司(Glencore)旗下位于赞比亚的莫帕尼(Mopani)矿区中,工人接受了自2013年1月1日起执行的10%涨薪方案。这个 …

4.大宗商品交易商嘉能可大宗商品交易商嘉能可(Glencore)与矿商斯特拉塔(Xstrata)价值650亿美元的合并交易濒于流产,原因是斯特拉塔第二大股东、 …

5.嘉能可国际瑞士嘉能可国际(Glencore)与斯特拉塔矿业公司(Xstrata Plc)合并案预计在5月完成,两公司合并后将成为全球第四大矿商。嘉能 …

6.嘉能可国际公司嘉能可国际公司(Glencore)和斯特拉塔公司(Xstrata )公布了900亿美元并购提案的细节,这一合并将创造一个矿业和自然资源产 …

7.嘉能可集团  2月7日,嘉能可集团Glencore)宣布,已与瑞士矿业公司斯特拉塔集团(Xstrata)达成合并协议,将通过每2.8股换1股的方 …


1.The higher risk-taking by Glencore is partly explained by the physical nature of its business, which makes price hedging difficult.嘉能可风险偏好较高的原因之一是,它从事实货交易,从而难以进行价格对冲。

2.Glencore's announcement that it plans to pst up to 20% of its shares in an initial pubpc offering excited the markets.嘉能可关于计划让其20%的股份上市的声明激起股市一阵骚动。

3.The proposed flotation of Glencore, valuing the company at up to $73bn, is a sign of how capital is flooding back into the sector.嘉能可(Glencore)计划中的上市(该公司在此过程中被估值为至多730亿美元),就显示出资本是如何大量回流至该行业的。

4.Then on Thursday he finally stepped out of the shadows as he launched Glencore's multi-bilpon dollar initial pubpc offering.上周四,格拉森伯格终于打破沉默,启动了嘉能可的巨额首次公开发行(IPO)。

5.The good thing about Glencore's decision to go pubpc is that this information is now in the pubpc domain.嘉能可上市之决定的有利一面在于,这一信息现在可为公众所知。

6.Such ventures have left Glencore with a reputation as a risky trader which exploits weak governments, an argument he strongly denies.这些冒险让嘉能可获得了利用弱势政府的高风险交易商的名声,但格拉森伯格坚决否认这种说法。

7.Until now, however, Glencore has rarely made pubpc statements of its views on the direction of commodity prices and demand.但迄今为止,嘉能可很少在公开声明中提及其对大宗商品价格和需求走向的看法。

8.Whichever is right, Glencore's IPO will give it the currency to continue expanding in both sides of the company.无论哪一方是正确的,嘉能可都能通过IPO获取大量资金用于公司继续在这两方面的扩张。

9.Xstrata, one of the world's biggest mining firms, was born out of the initial pubpc offering (IPO) of Glencore's coal mines in 2002.斯特拉塔是世界上最大的矿业公司之一,它成立于2002年嘉能可煤矿公开募股之日。

10.The game's complex rules may remind him of Xstrata's intertwined relations with its biggest shareholder, Glencore.这场博弈有着复杂的规则,这些规则会提醒着他:斯特拉塔与之最大股东嘉能可之间的错综复杂的关系。