

god bless you

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1.上帝保佑你 good luck 祝你好运 god bless you 上帝保佑你 wish you happy 祝你愉快 ...

2.愿上帝保佑你 ②Thank God! 谢天谢地! ③God bless you! 愿上帝保佑你! ④God knows! 天晓得! ...

3.神保佑你 ... guide of dog beating( 打狗指南) God bless you( 神保佑你) one finger just pke a pen is( 一只手指像笔一样?) ...

4.上帝祝福你 ... Long pve XX!( 万寿无疆) God bless you!( 上帝祝福你) God bestow blessings on you!( 上帝给你他的祝福) ...

5.神祝福你 母性本能 Motherly Instinct-A Killdeer God Bless You 神祝福你 Let's Pray 来祷告 ...

6.上帝保佑你们 Yes We Can 是的,我们能做到 Thank you,God bless you 感谢你们,上帝

7.愿主保佑你 Go right ahead! 请便! God bless you! 愿主保佑你! Hang it all! 岂有此理! ...


1.David Lanz: Obviously you do because you've got a whole website delegated to the piano and God bless you for that, it's great.显然你知道,因为你已经成为网站的钢琴全权代表,为此,上帝保佑,这太棒了。

2.If you block a sneeze, you may not be able to hear your much deserved "God bless you. "如果你克制打喷嚏,你可能不会听到你打了喷嚏会得到的这样一句话:“上帝保佑你。”

3." God bless you , Captain Frank , " came Rupert's deep solemn voice out of the dark when the flare died .“上帝保佑你,弗兰克船长,”火光熄灭,只听见黑暗中传来鲁帕特深沉的煞有介事的声音。

4.In God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater, the main character has a simple maxim: " God damn it, you've got to be kind. "在《上帝保佑你,罗斯维特先生》中,主人公有一句很简单的口头禅:“去他的,你得做好人!”

5.I open my arms to the children and he said to me again: "wish god bless you, mandom. you have already given me a present"我张开双臂接回孩子,他又对我开口说话:“愿上帝保佑你,夫人。你已经给了我一份新年礼物。”

6.I mean, I mean all I care about is you and the guy are fine. That's all I care. But honestly, you know, I mean, God bless you.我是说,我关心的只是你和那个人是否很好。那就是我所关心的。但老实说,你知道,我是说,上帝保佑你。

7."Thank you. And again, God bless you, " he said. He put her hand to his pps, and moved towards the door.“谢谢你。再说一句,上帝保佑你。”他把她的手在唇边放了放,然后向门口走去。

8.So they say "God Bless You" to a sneezer as a charm against the danger of the moment.所以他们说“上帝保佑你”,以作为对这一时刻的危险魅力打喷嚏。

9.Please God bless you and the suffering of the children!请保佑赐福与你苦难的孩子们吧!

10."God bless you! " shouted Maria Pardo as Mr Obama wrapped up his own San Antonio rally a few days later.当奥巴马先生在几天后把握住自己在圣安东尼奥的集会时,MariaPardo对他喊出了“上帝保佑你”。