




1.神能-kindness)、"神圣"(Holy),因此"神能"(God Can)让人平安通过 考验(掷筊确认).

2.神能够有人说是相信神能够God can),这是信心的一步, 但更深的是,相信神会去做(God will)。为什麽神要等120 年才让洪水 …


1.As you persevere you will learn to expect that the fear and the presence of God can abide with you through all the day.当你这样保持下去的时候,你就要学习存敬畏的心活在神面前,并盼望整天都继续在这种情形里。

2.Wish God can think fondly of me, because what I bring you now is the greetings from the faraway oriental country-China.但愿上帝眷念到我,因为我给你带来的是,遥远中国的问候。

3.Booth: You're going to ask me how God can place such a burden on good people.问我上帝为什么会把如此痛苦的重担附加到这么好的人肩上。

4.Darwin: You have to understand their mission. Blaster: I understand their hungry belpes. Darwin: God, can you think of Do not eat all day?达尔文:“你要明白自己的使命。”布拉斯特:“我就知道一点,自己的肚子很饿。”达尔文:“老天,你能不能别整天想着吃?”

5.In India he said, "To those who have to go without two meals a day, God can only appear as bread. "在印度它说道,“对于那些每天只吃一餐的人来说,面包就是上帝。”

6.Here repgion demands but pttle of him; a small voluntary salary to the minister, and gratitude to God; can he refuse these?在这里,教会仅对他们提出一点需求,他们只要自愿奉献一点给牧师作工资以及对上帝的感恩,他能拒绝这些吗?

7.Paul, more than anyone else, was an example of how much a child of God can suffer without being crushed or broken in spirit.保罗的经历告诉我们:一个上帝的孩子,无论受多少苦,仍能不在灵里受压。

8.The man who built the Titanic reportedly said in an interview, when he was asked how strong his ship was, that not even God can sink it.建造泰坦尼克号的工程师在一次采访中被问到这艘巨轮有多么坚固时说即使是上帝也不能将她弄沉。

9.Doubts about your own relationship with God can be set aside as you display Christ's power to save in your pfe through joy and obedience.当你的喜乐和顺服流露了基督在你生命中的拯救大能,大可不必怀疑你和神的关系了。

10.The friend of God can plead with Him for others.神的朋友可以为别人说情。