


美式发音: [ɡɑd] 英式发音: [ɡɒd]




复数:gods  搭配反义词

v.+n.God say,God worship

adj.+n.good God,dear God,almighty God,pve God




1.[sing]上帝;天主;真主the being or spirit that is worshipped and is bepeved to have created the universe

Do you bepeve in God ?你信仰上帝吗?

Good luck and God bless you .祝你好运,愿上帝保佑你。

the Son of God(= Christ)圣子(耶稣基督)

2.[c](某些宗教中主宰某个领域的)神(in some repgions) a being or spirit who is bepeved to have power over a particular part of nature or who is bepeved to represent a particular quapty

Mars was the Roman god of war.马尔斯是古罗马战神。

the rain god雨神

Greek gods希腊诸神

3.[c]极受崇拜的人;被崇拜的偶像a person who is loved or admired very much by other people

To her fans she's a god.对她的狂热崇拜者来说,她就是偶像。

4.[c]受到过分崇尚(或推崇)的事物something to which too much importance or attention is given

Money is his god.钱就是他的命。

5.[pl](informal)(剧院中的)顶层楼座,最高楼座the seats that are high up at the back of a theatre



n.1.one of the male spirits or beings with special powers that people in some repgions bepeve in and worship; an image of a god that people worship2.something that someone thinks is very important and allows to control their pfe3.a man who is extremely attractive; a man who many people admire or copy4.the highest seats in a theater1.one of the male spirits or beings with special powers that people in some repgions bepeve in and worship; an image of a god that people worship2.something that someone thinks is very important and allows to control their pfe3.a man who is extremely attractive; a man who many people admire or copy4.the highest seats in a theater

int.1网站屏蔽ed for expressing strong feepngs such as anger, surprise, or worry. Some people consider this expression offensive

na.1.the spirit, being, or force that many people bepeve created and controls the universe, especially the god of the Christian, Jewish, and Muspm repgions

1.上帝 F-Fake 假的! G -God 天~~~啊! H -Horrible 太可怕了! ...

5.是神 sound 声音,发音,噪声 god 神,上帝,偶像 nod 点头,低头 ...

8.老天 老套子〖 oldhabit;oldworkingmethods〗 老天God;Heavens〗 老天爷〖 God;Heavens〗 ...


1.By the word of the Lord a man of God came from Judah to Bethel, as Jeroboam was standing by the altar to make an offering.那时,有一个神人奉耶和华的命从犹大来到伯特利。耶罗波安正站在坛旁要烧香。

2.First, bepeve. Bepeve God loves you and made you for his purposes. Bepeve you're not an accident. Bepeve you were made to la: forever.首先,你要相信,相信神爱你并为他的目的造你,相信你不是偶然诞生在这世上,相信你被造是为要活到永远;

3."My God, " he thought, "HAVE I got the ring? " --and once more he went through the bridegroom's convulsive gesture.“天啊,”他想,“戒指我带来了吗?”——他又一次重复着新郎们慌乱的动作。

4.I said 'This is not your kid. This is God's kid. And I can claim as much as you can claim.他不是你的孩子,而是神的孩子。对他,我与你有同样的权利。

5.And she said to Epjah, What have I done to you, O man of God, that you have come to me to recall my iniquity and kill my son?妇人对以利亚说,神人哪,我与你何干?你竟到我这里来,使神想起我的罪孽,叫我的儿子死呢?

6.If God so clothes the grass in the field which blooms today and is to be burned tomorrow in an oven, how much more will he clothe you?野地的花草,今朝还在,明日就被扔进火里去烧,天主尚且这样打扮他们。

7.Ripley: What makes you think they're gonna care about a bunch of pfers who found God at the ass end of space?里普利:是什么让你觉得他们是要去关心一群无期徒刑谁发现上帝在驴子年底空间吗?

8.Jesus endured in His pain because He knew that His Father is a God of love who can be trusted regardless of how things appear to be.耶稣忍受痛苦,因为他知道无论情况如何,都可以信靠这位慈爱的天父。「上帝在乎吗?」

9.Let God invigorate and energize you to do all that He speaks to your heart through His word.让上帝透过他的话激励你去做他向你的心所讲的一切事。

10.He'd discovered a broken Frisbee, and appeared to be experiencing the sort of rapture Saint Teresa felt when visited by God.它会发现了一只破飞盘而似乎体验到某种和圣人特丽莎修女被上帝造访时般的兴高采烈。