




1.爱情女神 ... (the god of war) 战神 (goddess of love) 爱神 (god of agriculture) 农业之神 (不过看读音总觉得象撒旦) ...

3.爱之女神 Venus 维娜斯 Goddess Of Love 爱的女神 Vivian 维维安 ...

5.爱与美古城的历史可追溯到西元前3000年的铜器时代,当时爱与美(Goddess of Love)的希腊女神-阿芙萝黛蒂(Aphrodite)强力守护 …

6.字典查询 Venitia 慈悲,怜悯 Goddess Of Love 字典查询 Vera 真理;信任 ...

7.传说中的爱神情人卡上一般画有象征爱情的红心(heart)或带弓持箭的丘比特(Cupid)----传说中的爱神(goddess of love)维纳斯(Venus)的儿子。 …


1.FOR a planet named after the goddess of love, Venus is something of a misfit.作为一个以爱神的名字命名的行星,金星有些名不副实。

2.This was once supposed to be the site of Aphrodite's fountain, you know, the goddess of love.这应该是阿佛洛狄忒的喷泉的所在地,你知道,爱的女神。

3.She was so beautiful that the people in her land began to neglect Venus, the goddess of love and beauty, to worship Psyche instead.她实在太漂亮了,以致她那个国家的人都忽视了爱与美的女神维纳斯,转而崇拜普赛克。

4.The word chocolate is the name for the Aztec goddess of love.chocolate这个词本身是阿兹台克爱神的名字。

5.Of all the goddesses of ancient mythology, none was more widely venerated than the goddess of love.在古代神话里所有的女神中,没有一个比爱神更受到普遍的尊敬。

6.Finally, one day the Apollo finally can oneself to the goddess of love, the laurel of her pursuit.终于,有一天阿波罗终于按耐不住自己对月桂女神的爱恋,对她展开的追求。

7.People of ancient times loved its brightness and beauty so much that they named it after the Roman goddess of love and beauty.远古时代的人们如此喜爱它的明亮和美丽,因此他们以罗马爱和美的女神维纳斯(VENUS)为它命名。

8.In one particular legend, the mistletoe was the sacred plant of Frigga, the goddess of love and the god Balder's mother.在一个特别的传说中,槲寄生是爱神弗丽嘉(光明之神巴尔德尔的母亲)的神圣的植物。

9.The Goddess of love and war, was portrayed as the lover of the shepherd Dumuzi.爱和战争的女神,被描绘成牧羊人杜穆兹的爱人。

10.Youthful and engaging, the goddess of love disarms Cupid of the arrows he uses to infpct desire.年轻与魅力,绝世美神的爱使爱神邱比特的放下了本来用来施以欲望的箭。